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"We should do a
shopping challenge
or some." I suggest
as we walk into the

"I would end up
shopping for myself
and forget I'm
shopping for you."
Amber chuckles.

"Ugh I should've
brought Emilio
instead." I joke,
walking into Tilly's

Amber rolls her
eyes before
disappearing farther
into the store with
overpriced clothing.

To be honest I hate
shopping and malls
but that's mainly
when my anxiety is

"Isn't this the hoodie
you wanted?" Amber
asks as she walks
back over to me with
the hoodie in her

"Yeah but I don't
know if I want it
anymore plus I
already have too
many hoodies."
I reply with a shrug.

"You are the worst
to shop with bye."
Amb jokes as I
follow her around
the store.

"Bruh I could buy
like 2 shirts here
and it'll be like $100."
I complain.

"You act like you
aren't making
money from tiktok,
insta, and YouTube,"
Amber says with
an eye roll

"I help me aunt pay
the bills sometimes
but go off." I state.

"And the rest of
your money goes
towards your drug
addiction." Amber
jokes again.

Amber is the only
one in our group
who doesn't smoke
weed. But period
as she should.

We finish up at
Tilly's after Amber
spent like $200.
Next store we are
heading to is
Hollister for $50

After like an hour
of shopping we
head to the food
court. The mall
wasn't the busiest
because its a
Tuesday and most
have school or

"Yooo look who it
is." Amber says
pointing over to a
small group of guys.

"What?" I ask with
a confused look not
recognizing anyone.

"How can you not
see your boyfriend
as clear as day?"
Amber questions
with a laugh.

"Wait shut up, no.
We're leaving now."
I state while
dragging Amber
away with me.

"No don't be a
pussy, and I still
have some stores
I want to go to."
Amber whines

"Fine but don't go
talking to them,
please." I chuckle
as we get in line
for Panda Express.

With a sigh Amber
replies, "fine, but if
they come to us
don't be mad."

After waiting in
the line for a few
minutes I realize
they're in line
behind us.

It is so obvious
Amber wants to
turn around and
talk to the boys.
Her extrovert
popping out.

"I hate you for
this." Amber
chuckles as we
walk to a table
with our food.

"you're acting
like I'm your mom
and I'll ground
you for talking to
them." I chuckle
rolling my eyes.

We Stan a game
of hide and seek
in plain sight. Why
am I like this?

Amber sighs
loudly trying to
get my attention.
This bitch.

"Fine go talk to
them." I chuckle
shaking my head.

After a couple of
minutes Amber
comes back with
a big ol smile.

"Oh my god, which
one do you like?" I
question with a
playful eye roll.

Yeah I didn't make them talk
and what about it? Be patient✨

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for an early update

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