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After the skate
park we all head
back to the house
to hangout more
and eat food.

"Wait, so are you
and Kio like dating
or?" Someone
randomly asks me.

Caught off guard
by the question I
answer, "no, I can't
just come hangout
with someone?"

"No, no. Was just
curious because
you two have
been getting close."
The same person

Vinnie looks a little
listening to this
conversation, like is
he upset again that
he's single.

Kio and Vinnie
glance at each other
but I don't question
it. Maybe Kio likes
me, wouldn't change
the fact I don't like
him like that though.

"Y'all wanna play
Uno or some?"
Maddy questions
seeming bored with
the conversation.

"Sure, I haven't
played in a minute."
I shrug looking
around to see if
anyone else was

Vinnie, Jordan, and
Kio all say yes. And
the boys who said
no are lame.

Maddy passes
around the cards
while the boys left
mess around

Kio and Jordan
sitting in front of me
while Vinnie and
Maddy are sitting on
either side of me at
the ends of the
coffee table.

"ASSHAT." I yell at
Vinnie who just plus
eighted me because
he got plus foured.

"Blame Kio." Vinnie
chuckles as Maddy
plays her card.

We play several
rounds most being
won by Vinnie. I
won second most
but two rounds to
his four. And poor
Jordan didn't win
any rounds.

"I think I should
probably go now, it's
passed my bed time."
I joke looking at the
time which is nearly
10 pm.

"Okay bye." They
wave to me as I
get up and leave.

I sit in my car
turning on my
playlist. I realize
I left something
in their house but
don't feel like
getting it.

The next couple of
days are chill, the
only thing I had to
do was a meeting
with my manager.

Emilio and Amber
are still going to
be on their trip for
a few more days.
Each day without
them I get more

Then there is a
knock at the door
startling me.
Nobody is supposed
to be coming over.

I check the peep
hole and see Vinnie
which makes me
confused but I
answer anyway.

"Hey why are you
here?" I ask trying
not to sound rude.

"You left this." He
states handing me
my jacket.

I grab it and say
awkwardly chuckling,
"Thanks I forgot to
ask for it back the
other day."

There is definitely
tension between
us, that might be
because I used to
dislike him and it's

"Sooooo, we just
going to stand here
or are you going to
leave or come in?"
I question as we
both just stand
here looking lost.

"Right right, I'll
go now." He
chuckles before
down the hall.

Not me lowkey
wanting him to stay.

I lock the door and
plop down on my
couch to play some
call of duty.

Without my two best
friends I realize how
lonely I am. It's been
just them for years,
and I know they
have other friends
besides me.

I'm a social person
yet not social
enough, it doesn't
make sense.

My phone starts
ringing obnoxiously,
Amber is trying to
FaceTime me.

"Hi bae." I smile
even though I'm
really not in the
mood go talk.

"Just wanted to
check up on you."
She chuckles while
Emilio and her are
hanging out in a
hot tub.

"I'm alive, barely."
I laugh as I pause
my game.

"I saw that you
hung out at the
boys house the
other day." Amber
states giving me
one of her faces.

"Which one are
you fucking?"
He asks jokingly,
wincing when
Amber hits him.

Emilio gives Amb
a 'what was that
for' look and she
just rolls her eyes
before turning her
attention back to

"I was just bored
and Kio invited me
over soo." I shrug
not knowing what
else to say.

"Well?? Did y'all
fuck?" Emilio jokes
again, weird

"Your ass really
wants a time out
huh." Amber
laughs glaring at

"I could easily ask
you that question
too Emilio." I
chuckle looking at
them wide eyed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm
hanging up now."
Amber rolls her

"That's not a no.."
I state annoyingly
with a smirk.

"Hell no, Emilio
musty as fuck."
Amber jokes giving
a disgusted look.

With that Emilio
presses the hang
up button and the
silence of my
home is back.

sorry this is late I have
been busy.

35 votes and comments for an early update

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