I Like You

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Callie's P.O.V

I walked to the abandoned buliding with a smile on my face.

That girl really knows how to make me laugh and smile

You know it really surprised me that she of all people is so powerful. I remember seeing her around the school and she just looked so fragile

But that girl oh my gosh her muscles are big and her tattoo's man why did she have to cover them up at school they were just so sexy.

"Grab her.." I heard as I was think then after moment a cloth cover my mouth

I tried getting out the person's grip but it was no use after I had blacked out


When I woke up I felt my hands bounded and I couldn't speak because there was tap on my mouth

I tried shaking my head to get the bag that was on it off

"Take the bag off" I heard the voice of the woman from the gala last week say

A second later the bag was taken off and I saw Mara standing infront of me twirling a silver knife around

"Mm.." I tried speaking forgetting the tape is there

"Take the tape off to it's not like anybody will hear her scream for help" She says with sinister smirk on her face making me cringe

"Why the fuck did you kidnap me" I say to her when the tape was finally taken off my mouth

"Tsk tsk tsk don't be rude" She says and place her knife lightly against my jaw causing fear to shoot up through me

"Why. Did. You. Kidnap. Me.?" I asked her again trying to be more confident

"I see why she like you" She hissed out before cutting my jaw a little

"Argh" I whined out in pain and the girl infront of me laughed menacingly

Then all the sudden I heard gunshots go off and Mara's face turned pal

"Shit! How the fuck did she know I grabbed you?!" she yelled out and was lookinh for away to escape

"VIVIAN" I yelled out for help and Mara came over slapped me before holding my mouth shut

I quickly bit her hand before yelling again for Vivian

Not even a second later Vivan came running in with her golden gun pointing at Mara who was holding her now bleeding hand

"Guys come grab her" Vivian yelled and the guys came in and grabbed Mara tying her up as Vivian came straight to me

"I'm so sorry baby" Vivian say as she un-ties my hands and I grabbed her quickly then kissed her passionately which she reciprocated

She is mine and I am not waiting any longer literally almost was gonna die

"I like you" I told her as soon as we pulled away

"I like you too" She smiled like a goofball before she looked to see the cut on my jaw "I'm gonna kill her. Let's get you to my doctor"

Vivian picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around her neck, resting my head against her shoulder.


Once we got to the abandoned buliding we went to the Hospital room they had.

Vivian sat me down on the bed before quickly going to get Dr.Robins.

As soon as the doctor came in she started cleaning and stitching my cut.

"Now be careful with that jaw of yours" Dr.Robin says sternly and I nodded my head

"I will be" I said to her

"I'll make sure she is careful" Vivian says to the doctor and I blushed

"Good now I got to go treat the others" She says beforr scurrying off

"Now thats over can we talk?" I asked nervously and she gives me a warm smile

"Sure how about over dinner saturday night?" She asked me and my cheeks turned red

"A date?" I asked her curiously and she smiled widely

"Exactly a date" She said and I couldn't help but peck her lips

"I'd love to go on a date with you" I said to her...

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