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Vivian's P.O.V

*7 years later*

"Momma! Momma!" My little girl yelled out waking me up

"Yes baby" I say to her and sit up

"Mommy said it's time!!" my 5 year old says  says to me and I jumped out of bed and hurried to put my shoes on

"Where is she?" I asked Vera

"She is in the living room" she says to me and I hurried to the living room to see my wife in pain

I picked her up bridal style

"Finally" She says when I pick her up

"Come on Vee" I say to my daughter and we all three hurried out to the car


"You got this baby!!" I tell my wife as she pushed our son out

"urrrgg" Callie pushed through

"I'm here, you can do it!" I encouraged her then she oushe done more time

"Eehhheeeh" We heard the baby cry out and I kissed my wife's forehead as the nurses wrapped him up

The nurse came laid him on Callie's chest making both Her and I look at him smiling


"Hi there little man" I said to my baby boy Viper as I held him in my arms

"Momma" My daughter says look up at me shyly

"Yes?" I asked her and she looked at Viper

"Can I hold him?" She asked me with hopeful eyes

"Hmmm sure why not just sit on the chair" I said to her and she smiled at me then went to sit in the chair

I placed him gently into her hands and she held him close protecting him

"Your such a good big sister" I heard my wife say from behind me

Callie had just woke up from her sleep

I walked over to her smiling at my beautiful wife before leaning in kissing her lips

"I love you" I say to her after pulling away and she smiles at me

"I love you too" She says to me


Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting y'all are the best.

I was thinking of writing a book 2 that is a studentXteacher with Vera. what do you think?

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