Saving The Day

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Vivian's P.O.V

It is saturday and I have no responsiblites to attend to today making bored out of my fucking mind. Why do people have to cancel shit that has already been schedule all day.

I decided instead of staying inside I would go for a walk instead. I grabbed my house keys and pulled on my white sweater with my family sign on it before heading out the door.

I walk down the dark streets while listening to the calming sound of cars in traffic and ambulances siren go off

As I continue to walk down the street I heard a girls voice. One that I have heard before making me listen more intensily.

"Please I don't want any trouble' I heard her beg someone and then a light scream

"Don't worry thus will be quick and easy" I heard a nasty voice say that I knew as well and immedately walked into to the alley to see the greasy old man Gary with his goonies trapping the girl up against the wall about to rip her clothes off

"Hey you" I spoke and his head wipped around to look at me 

His eyes widened and he stepped away from Callie quickly 

"Yes" He said knowing not to mention how he knows me infront of the girl 

"Leave her alone" I said to him angry and he his goons whispered apologize to me as they ran off then I walked over to the blonde who was shaking in fear 

"T-thank you" She stuttered out and wrapped her arms around my neck

I put on hand on her waist and pushed her back gently after a while of her hugging me

"No problem just stay away from this street. It isn't safe here" I tell her looking into those hazel eyes that were now red from all the tears

She still seem to look gorgeous even after crying and being man handled

"Then why are you here" She asked and I stiffened before quickly trying to cover it up

"That's none of you concern" I say politely

"O-okay" She stuttered out and quickly placed a comforting hand on her shoulder

"Let me walk you home" I say to her and walked with her till we got to her house that was 3 blocks away from my neighborhood

"Thank you" She says now calm and gave me a shy smile

"No problem just be careful" I told her and stood there in comfortable silence

"I will" She says smiling at me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek "Goodnight"

After she said goodnight she quickly went inside leaving me standing there in shock

A while of standing there I finally snapped out of my trans and walked back home...

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