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The room was silent. Deadly silent. You would hear a pen- no, a leaf drop it was so quiet. No one really knew what to say. "So...um...yeah. He was an assassin- b-but he's not anymore." Jimin was the first to speak. "What do you mean, not anymore?" Jungkook asked, looking like he was protecting J-Hope. "Um...well he-" "Basically my goal was to kill him but then I got attached and I never wanted to leave him so I tried to give up being an assassin but apparently I couldn't do that so I may or may not have killed my boss and now- well technically I'm still an assassin but I won't be doing it anymore but anyway that pretty much sums everything up- any questions?" V explained quickly. 

Jimin saw Jungkook blinking rapidly, obviously trying to process it all. "Oh but don't worry, I won't hurt you. The only way for that to happen is if you hurt Jimin, but you're all great friends, so I don't see that happening." V smiled at RM. "I don't know I feel about this-" "Wait, how did Jin know?" Jungkook asked as he turned to V. "It's a long story." Jin crossed his arms sassily. Jimin returned the glare Jin was giving him, and stuck his tongue out at him. "How long exactly have you known?" RM turned to Jin. 

"Since Jimin ran away-" "That's like 2 weeks ago!" RM interrupted him. "Actually, it was only a few days, Namjoon." Jin laughed. "Shut up. Why didn't you tell us- did you think this wasn't something that needed to be told?" RM questioned. "Well, V told me not to say anything." Jin brought up. "So?!" RM raised his voice slightly. "Anyway, it'll take J-Hope like a week to recover, so he'll miss Christmas and possibly New Years." Jimin changed the subject. 

"That really sucks." Jin sighed as the attention was now returned to J-Hope, who was magically still sleeping despite the loudness. "It really does suck." Jungkook agreed. "Yeah. If I missed New Years, my only resolution would be to escape depression." Jimin joked. "That would be me if I missed Halloween." Jungkook laughed. "Is New Years your favorite holiday?" V questioned Jimin as he loosened his grip on his waist. "100%." Jimin nodded firmly. "Why-" "If you ask, he'll never shut up." RM laughed. "Hey, at least I like holidays!" Jimin defended himself. "I think you just mixed up RM and Suga." Jin laughed. "Don't mention his name. You'll ruin the mood." Jungkook told him. "And I do not mix up my friends. RM's favorite holiday is Independence Day- seriously, who likes Independence Day?" Jimin scoffed playfully. "I do!" RM laughed. 

"I said who." Jimin blinked a few times. "He basically just called you nobody." Jungkook burst into laughter. "I'm not dumb!" RM yelled lightly at Jungkook. "Are you sure about that?" Jin chuckled. "...I was going to say something, but then I thought I shouldn't." RM laughed as he glared at Jin. "Exactly. You don't even know what to say." Jin joked. "Shut up." RM glared at him. Jimin's phone went off with a notification at just the right time, and he took it out of his pocket. "Ooh, I almost forgot- I gotta go, bye!" Jimin laughed as he stood up and headed for the door. "Wait, where are you going without me?" V asked with a slight pout. "You can't come with. It's a me thing." Jimin glared playfully at him. "Why can't I come with?~" V whined cutely. "Because I said so." Jimin laughed. He gave a quick kiss to V's lips, and left the hospital room quickly. 

"Well that was random." RM laughed lightly. V crossed his arms as he sat back down, and stared at the floor. Now what would Jimin be doing that he isn't allowed to go with or see? What could he possibly be doing that's a 'him' thing? 'Wait just a f*cking minute.' V thought to himself as a thought crossed his mind. 'What if he's doing something naughty- oh lord.' V tried clearing his mind quickly as he leaned back in his chair. 

He only stayed at the hospital for maybe another hour before he decided to leave, aware it was awkward without Jimin. He was confused when he found Jimin's silver car still in the parking lot. He knew it was his, because the head lights flashed when he pressed the button to unlock the car. He texted Jimin why his car was still there, and he told him the place he needed to go was just a walking-distance away. V looked around for things a walking-distance away, and the only place his mind allowed him to think Jimin was at, was a black store named 'Bad Kitten', and V already knew what kind of store it was. 

Always | Vmin {Mpreg} BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now