chap8: the nemesis and the time keeper

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Yuria ran outside of the building. Sweat runs all over her face.

Once she's finally out, she controls her breath and took out her special phone.

[Any news, yuria?] The man on the other side said.

"Yes, sir. I have just found out that there is another party that is trying to collect people with power, like us. I have gotten their description, but i still haven't found any clue of their motive." Yuria said.

[.....Then make sure you keep an eye on the team. We only need two more crucial target. We can't lose them to the other party.] He said.

"Got it." Yuria said.


The team is currently resting at momo's dance studio. They are now having lunch, after they watch jhope and momo did a dance battle. They were both very great dancers.

As they were munching on their food, yuria came.

"Oh, yuria-sii. Come and have lunch with us." Jin said as he ask her to sit next to him.

Nayeon eyed jin as she chuckled. Jeongyeon and dahyun who's sitting next to nayeon gave her questioning look.

"What's so funny?" Jeongyeon said to her best friend.

Nayeon pull jeongyeon closer and whispered, "i think jin has a crush on yuria-sii. He's making it too obvious."

And jeongyeon just gave an 'o' look. Then dahyun asked and nayeon said the same thing to her. Her reaction was the same as jeongyeon, but she ended up laughing.

"So, momo, you have decided to join us?" Yuria asked as she took a seat next to jin.

"Yesh. I hwave." Momo said as she chew down the food in her mouth. Yuria just chuckle and started eating.

After they finished eating, yuria stood up and opened her phone.

"Team. We have our next target's location. We will be heading there now." She said.

The others nodded and left. Momo went to talk to her parents, and gladly they understood so they let her go.


After an hour of drive from Tokyo to Yamanashi, they finally arrived at their next destination.

They are now looking at a traditional house, a large one to be exact. The house is kind of old, but it looks very classy and elegant.

Just before rm could ring the door bell, a maid opened the door.

She greeted them with a bow and gesture them to come in.

"Welcome to the Myoui mansion. The young lady has been waiting for your arrival. Now, please do come in." The maid said.

The team was confused, since they didn't make any appointment to meet her.

The maid then guide them to a room, with a very strong old japanese culture.

The maid then enters and stood in front of a door.

"M'lady, the guest have arrived." She said politely.

"Thank you. You may leave." A very calm and soothing voice said from behind of the door.

The maid bow and leave the room.

A few second later, a girl with long blonde hair came out.

"Greetings. I am Myoui Mina. The heir of the Myoui family." She said as she took a seat on the cushion.

"Hi. Uh, i know this is rude, but how do you know that we're coming over?" Sana said.

"My power is time manipulation. And i sometimes could see what is going to happen in the future." Mina said with a warm smile.

And the others nodded in understanding. In the other hand, jimin, is extremely captivated by her small yet warm smile. Without him realizing, he blurted out the word "pretty" from his mouth out loud.

Mina was shocked and blushed at his words, as it is the first time she has ever got a compliment from someone outside of her family. Jihyo smacked jimin's head for being rude.

"Pabo." Jihyo muttered which earned her a glare from her younger brother and the others just chuckled at their acts.

"Anyway, miss myoui. We are here to ask you to join our team. We are the special team of korea. And we want you to be on our team." Yuria said.

Mina's expression turned serious as she thinks.

"Well....-" Mina was about to answer, but suddenly, a enchanting looking butterfly suddenly fly into the room and stopped in front of mina.

Suddenly, it turns into a cosmic dust and formed a portal. From within, appear eight people.

Five of them was the ones momo described earlier.

"You?! How did you....?" Suga said as he recognize the girl with green hair.

Some of those people looked back at him but the others just ignore him.

Suddenly, one of the girls, the one with very mysterious aura and butterflies fluttering around her came forward towards mina.

"Myoui Mina. The time keeper. Join me and the other cosmic childs. Together we will destroy Korea's destructed government and build a new nation filled with peace." The girl said with a soothing and alluring voice.

"And you are?" Mina said calmly.

"You don't have to know my name. I am just the leader of the revolution group. Please join us for the greater good." She said.

Mina looked at her in the eye and sighed. She then stood up from the cushion.

"I am sorry. But i can't. Since the begining i have chosen to join their group, and not yours." Mina said.

"I see. Nothing can change your mind, huh. Well then, we'll see each other in the future. As enemies that it." She said before looking back to the team.

"I hope you won't make the wrong decision." She said before all of them disappears from their sight.

The team was in shock. The girl who they thought have died turned out was still living and fine. Now they didn't know if they should feel relieved or not.

"....this is a problem...." Yuria mumbled as she bites her nails.

Jin glanced at her with eyes filled with worries.

Rm stood up and went towards mina.

"Welcome to the team." He said.

Mina smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. I hope we could be good teammates." Mina said.

To be continued........

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