Footwork Fiasco

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The loud speaker goes off as Princpal Bump was about to get ready to give morning announcements.
"Good Morning Hexide. Now then, for morning announcements. First of all, it's double homework week" He announced.

The majority students groaned as they were making a bunch of complaints. Some cussed under their breathes. Some slumped their heads on their desks even banging their heads against them. A few students even started booing and heckling in distaste from the unfortunate news. Amity was some of the very few who didn't complain, because, well, she is used to studying a lot and is top student.

"Alright alight enough with the boos and the hisses." Principal Bump groaned as he rolled his eyes very well aware of the kind of the reaction most students would make.
"Now then, the second announcement that I want to address you all Grom is coming up. It's tonight" He said.

People then started cheering, feeling excited over the special night. Grom was considered one of the most important moments of every witchling's life during their school days.

"Grom will be a fun night. Music, food, romance, and best of all....dancing!" Principal Bump cheered from the speakers.

Luz.EXE has stopped working. She sat their still. She thought she heard wrong.
In her head, 'Did I just hear the word....dancing?' Principal Bump's words kept echoing in her head.

'Music, food, romance, and best of all....dancing!'

The word dancing kept echoing in her head. 

"Uhhhh...Luz...are you okay?" Gus asked confused as she taps Luz's shoulder.

"You're spacing out." Willow waves her hand in front of Luz.

Luz eventually snaps out of it and screamed as she then ran out of the classroom as everyone saw running having 'what the heck?' confused expressions on their faces.

"What was that about?" Gus asked Willow with a confused expression on his face as Willow shrugged her shoulders not knowing her own self.

Luz continued to scream as she shoved students out of of the way.
"Excuse me! Pardon me! Stand aside!"

Amity happened to be standing in Luz's way. She the screamed when Luz tackled her to the ground by accident.

Amity groaned in slight pain but realized that Luz was on top of her and blushed

Luz groaned in pain her own self but she then looked at Amity and gasped. She had a regretful look on her face
"Omg! Amity. I'm so sorry" She got up from the floor and grabbed Amity's hand helping her off the floor.

"It's...okay Luz" Amity responded as she dusted herself off as Luz gave a slight blush.

"So....uhhh...excited for grom?" Luz asked Amity trying to change the conversation.

"Oh yeah. I guess." Amity frowns a little as she looked down. Yesterday, Amity was voted to be grom queen meaning she has to fight the grom.
"I mean...well.."

"Oh...that's're suppose to fight grom" Luz mumbled with a frown.

"Hey...I'll be okay. On the bright side there will be dancing." Amity tried to give a smile and look on the positive side of this school dance

Luz's eyes widen as one of them twitched in terror.

"It would be great to be dancing." Amity then began to do some graceful ballet steps. She did some pirouettes and some leaps. She even did the splits and some other moves that required some flexibility.

People were gathering around in amazement as they seen Amity dance.

"Wow, Amity is such a good dancer. Nothing less from a Blight." A witch commented.

"Hey Mitten's we want in!" Edric smirked as he and Emira runs over and puts on shades and began to dance with Amity doing some break dancing and hip hop

Luz stood there completely flabbergasted as the crowd was chanting
"Go Blights! Go Blights!"

Then suddenly, a handsome witch walked over. He had dimples and a chiseled chin. His hair was golden locks of silky blond hair. His eyes a twinkling sapphire blue. His name is Talios. The most hottest boy in Hexside. Many students here shipped Amity and Talios together

Witches began to swoon over him. Girls were squealing as they went all heart eyed. Some people wanted to date Talios. The others wanted to be Talios. 

"Ms Blight, wanna dance?" Talios asked as he offered a hand as Luz had the feeling of feeling sick inside.

Amity sighed and then said
"Well I suppose." She was lead by Talios to a dance. There was a bunch of complex dance moves involved. Some twirls, some lifts, and other fancy moves

Edric and Emira stopped their dancing and smirked as they cheered on Amity and Talios.
"Go Mittens! Go Talios!" 

"Go Amity! Go Tailos! Go Amity! Go Talios!" Students chanted as the two continued to dance.

Luz clenched her fingers onto her chest. She felt intimidated by Talios being the life of the party and dancing with Amity.

Willow and Gus arrived shortly after. Viney, Jerbo, and even Barcus arrived as well as they cheered on Amity and Talios.

Boscha's and her crew were there as well, using their scrolls to film this.

"Omg! Doesn't Amity and Talios look cute together?" Boscha asked the other girls.

"Yeah. I can't believe these two have been dancing together for dance competitions since they were young. " Skara added as she smiled

" a pro dancer....and his dance partner?" Luz mumbled quietly enough so only herself could hear

Footwork Fiasco: A Lumity Fanfic (A  Rewrite of Dance Like Nobody's Watching)Where stories live. Discover now