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Izuku looked at all might with a smile, while all might looked at him with a terrified look. "You better not try to escape!" All might shouted while sticking his head out of the car, then izuku flipped up on the roof of the S.W.A.T car and started laughing. "Don't you think I'm already past that point, number one hero?" He stood up with a smirk. They past a big street sign and izuku saw his exit. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I think I left my oven on!"

Izuku shouted while shooting his web at the sign and leaving the top of the S.W.A.T van. "SPIDER GUY!!" All might shouted while the cars got farther away. "It's spiderman! You know what, it doesn't matter anymore." izuku shrugged and fell down on the ground, then felt another gust of wind coming his way. "Of course it wouldn't be that easy..." He face palmed, then turned around to see all might in the sky.

"What all might?! Couldn't get enough of little old me?!" Izuku shouted while dodging a fist coming straight for his face. All might groaned in anger and tried to punch izuku again, but failed. Izuku dodged another punch, then webbed all might in the eyes. "Oh damn all might, looks like you can't see. What happened?" Izuku started to get on all mights nerves.

He ripped the web off his face, then saw Izuku trying to get away. "You're getting on my nerves spider guy!" All might shouted while jumping by izuku, then punching him down and creating a crater in the street. "Oh shit! I might of gone to hard!" All might thought. He jumped down by izuku and saw him smiling with a bunch of concrete pieces on him. "What's so funny?" All might asked while izuku looked up to the sky.

"That's the first punch I couldn't sense." Izuku said while laughing lightly. All might looked confused. "You can sense punches?" Izuku nodded and threw off a piece of concrete off him, then stood up while shaking the dust off of him. "He can stand up just like that?! I'm pretty sure I used 80 percent of my power!" All might thought, then looked at izuku who was humming a song. "And I'm pretty sure I put the quirk reducer handcuffs on him!"


"Please let me out!!!" Izuku shouted while sticking his head through the bars. He was currently sitting in a jail cell, waiting for all might to come get him. Izuku turned around and saw a crazy looking guy looking at him. "Uhhh can you guys please hurry it up?! I don't like the way this guy is looking at me!" He started shaking the bars out of place, then all might walked into the room.

"Okay okay my boy! You can calm down now!" All might shouted. Izuku sighed happily while all might opened the door, then put izuku in handcuffs. "Really?" Izuku started. "Do you really think I need these? Where the hell would I run to?" He finished while holding up his arms. All might chuckled while they started walking to a different room. When they got there, izuku saw eraserhead sitting at a metal table in the middle of the room.

Izuku smiled bright, then he said "oh hey Eraserhead! Funny seeing you here!" Eraserhead just groaned while facepalming. Izuku grinned as all might sat him down in the chair in front of Eraserhead, then all might went and sat down by Eraserhead. "So midoriya Izuku. You're 17, You go to kanagawa yokosuka highschool, have straight As, generally gets on the teachers nerves..." Eraserhead started while reading a paper off.

"Both of your parents are decease, you live alone.." he finished and izuku looked down and the table. All might sighed, then asked "so my boy, how did you get into this, line of work?" Izuku looked up with a smile. "You're gonna have to be more precise than that all might. I had a lot of work. I was a vigilante, an unground fighter." All might shook his head while rubbing his eyes. "Well, let's talk about the vigilante work."

Izukus smile went away, then he chuckled lightly. "Before my parents... Past away so to speak, they kept telling me that I could be someone better than all these ridiculous heroes that were coming out nowadays so, I trained and trained. Now, I'm better than most of these so called heroes." Eraserhead and all might looked at each other. They couldn't help but agree with him. The crime rate where he lives went down dramatically since he's been out, and they went down in the city.

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