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I woke in pain. I was still crushed by the Dashboard I heard someone screaming "help". I slowly looked up to find a girl that looked around my age but I really couldn't tell My vision was blurry.

Help me! I called out. I'm stuck!

Oh my god I'm so sorry! She said crying uncontrollably.

It's fine just please get me out of here! I started to cry now.

Ya! She said.

She ran up to me.

The paramedics are on their way they should be here any minute. She said still panicking. she started to tug on my arms. when she got me out she picked me up and carried me back to the side of the road. I saw flashing lights and many people coming towards me. she passed me over to them and I was put into an ambulance. they tried asking me questions.

Hun, what's your name? One guy said.

N-Nicole. I stuttered

Last name? He said.

Sams. I stuttered again.

Ok Nicole your gonna be alright, ok? your gonna be just fine.

Call jordan. I said quietly.

Who's jordan? He asked.

My C-Cousin. I said still stuttering.

Ok Hun your gonna need to tell me his number.

I'll give you the home phone number. I said.

Ok just tell me it. he said.


Alright I'm gonna try and get ahold of him.

I drifted off again.

(Jordan's P.O.V)

i messed up big time guys. I said putting a hand on my forehead.

Jordan she is gonna forgive you. Kevin said.

Ya Jordan she will for- *ring* *ring*

I picked up the phone.


Yes is this jordan Mathewson? The man asked.

Yes, this is jordan.

Ya well your cousin..........Nicole..


She got in a bad car accident and you need to come to the hospital right away were in room 345.

I said nothing and dropped the phone. I ran to the garage door. meet me at the hospital, Nicole has been in a bad car accident. she is in room 345. I have to go. I slammed the door and left.

(Seamus' P.O.V)

Oh my god! Get aleks and sly we need to leave now! I yelled at James, dan and Kevin.

Aleks was the first one to get down stairs. he looked like he was crying before he got the news about Nicole.

He got in the drivers seat while I could hear the guys squishing into the seats behind me while James got in the passengers seat.

We left for the hospital. I hope she is ok. I started to sweat a little bit from being nervous and scared.

Everything ok? James asked looking over to me.

Ya everything is fine. I said keeping my eyes on the road.

The rest of the ride was silent.

(James' P.O.V)

The shadow of my innocence  ↣ The CreaturesWhere stories live. Discover now