Marius Suious is one of the most destructive and powerful characters I've ever witnessed. Every plot point is solved the second they enter the room, killing the nearby conflict nearly instantaneously. They have a beauty unknown by human kind, powers that remain indescribable by even the most verbose. I fear my life is in danger as I take these field notes. This may be goodbye
Mary Sue has become a overused term, popular with people (read, basement dwellers) who just want to hate a competent female character in "their" franchise. But that's not what we are talking about, Mary Sue or Marty Stew (her brother) are overpowered characters who's very existence can end a story before it even begins.These characters are especially difficult as a role player, especially when your the one driving the conflicts and main story. The main difference between a powerful OC and a Mary Sue is one doesn't immediately stop your inciting action and had weaknesses that can be exploited.
Try to introduce a villain? Mary Sue vaporizes them instantly
Character is dying and need a special cure? Forget that epic quest, Mary Sue already has a crap ton on her person
Character is having doubts about himself or just is generally depressed? Mary Sue used her emotion magic to make them feel special
It's beyond infuriating when your RP partner shoots down your story starters and makes the whole thing about their likes. Roleplaying is just two people slowly building a story, a few lines at a time. Don't stop the story before it's even begun.
Things I hate about OCs
Non-FictionAs someone who often goes onto creativity center platforms and often does role play I have come across more than a few bad OCs, here's some of the main things that get under my skin when it comes to badly made Orginial Characters