Flatus Cardboardious

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These Characters are truly vulnerable as they are as flat as cardboard, it is a wonder they managed to survive so long

These characters are a pain for those who do role play, they are often decorated with bright colors and flashy dress but in all actuality the character itself is absolutely flat. There's no drive to them, their ambitions, hopes, fears and personality in general are nowhere to be seen.

A good sign that your going to be dealing with one is they're personality is described with 2-3 basic words and they have a sentence long backstory. Actually role playing with them will be a chore as every sentence has no flare at all, everything is a simple "yes" "no" or "okay." There is no other input, no reactions that could hint at what kind of character they are.

Your partner won't even take the time to describe the finer details and will leave it up to you to carry the whole thing, from setting to every other character in the story. It can be very annoying very quickly.

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