Chapter 6.

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    Despite Theresa's kind words and the support of the students, I just sat in the chair and cried.  I could not calm down.  I even lost track of time.  I have never cried so much in my entire life.  Tears, however, probably also have a limit.  So why doesn't it end?  They run pouring out of the bucket, and there is not even the slightest hint of stopping them.

    We were already near the exit from school, when suddenly I realized that I could not even take the girls out of the country, because I did not have documents for them.  Grabbing them under both hands, we began to go back.
    When I got there, I ordered them to stand near the door, and I myself went into the classroom.  I entered silently, without arousing the attention of those present.  The first thing I saw was how many people crowded in front of the class.  Looking closely, I realized that it was Selena.  She cries, and very much.  Something sank in my heart.  I remembered all the moments I spent with her.  We felt so good together.  It was with her that I was really happy.  So what happened to this?  Oh yes ... I cheated on her.  But why?  Alas, I don't remember that.  Apparently, he was too drunk that day, and Hailey took advantage of this, frowning me.  She was always obsessed with me.

    I was distracted from my thoughts by Theresa's exclamation.
      "Bieber, what are you doing here?  Have you not done enough?  It would be better to go from here!" she turned to me.
      "Uh, I'm here-" - I wanted to tell the truth, they say why I came back here, but I really felt uncomfortable;  apparently, only now I realized how dear Selena is to me;  it hurts me to see her cry;  and if I can't fix everything and get her back, then I can make her happy without taking the girls.
      "What are you?" only Teresa's voice can tell how angry she is.

    I hesitated.  Looking at Selena, I caught her gaze, which she instantly averted.  Sighing, I left the classroom.  There he sat down in front of the girls.  They cried too.

    When we found out about the whole situation, we were very scared.  We love both parents very much, but dad decided to pick us up and doesn't want to let us see and communicate with mom.  We do not agree with such events.
    When dad picked us up, we were shocked.  Everything happened very quickly, we didn't even have time to recover.  Leah stopped speaking altogether with fright.

    I don't want to live with my dad and his new wife.  I love my mother and only my mother and I want to always be with her.

    I looked the girls in the eye and took their palms in mine.  They pulled them back.  My little ones.  So beautiful.  Still, Selena gave birth to beautiful daughters.  Children from the woman they love are always the best!  It’s a pity that it all worked out like this with her.  I just now realized that Selena and these two babies are the meaning of my life.  I am such a fool and I must correct all the mistakes I make.

    “Go to your mom,” was all I could say.

    Their eyes instantly brightened, tears disappeared, and their faces lit up.

    "What do you mean?" I heard Hailey's indignant voice, but did not bother to answer her.

    I do not understand what is going on.  Justin left the class without papers and started acting strangely.  I was shocked by his last phrase.  What does he mean by this?

      "And that's what I have", I stammered and once again entered the classroom.

    This time I did not try to be unnoticed, but on the contrary I wanted everyone to pay attention to me, and especially Selena.  And so it happened.

    We are extremely glad that dad changed his mind.

    For the last half hour, I didn't understand what was happening.  But when, after all this time, I looked at them and saw THEM. My babies running towards me, I seemed to have a second wind.
    I hugged them tightly.  Justin stood in front of me.  There was no desire to talk to him at all.  Thank God I have such a wonderful friend who understands me just by looking.

      "Wow, Bieber, why are such victims suddenly? " he ignored her and began to address me.
      "I realized what a fool I am, and that I have no right to do so.  It hurts me to see you cry, it breaks my heart.  You are a good mother". I looked at him, but said nothing.

    I know, after all that happened, I shouldn't feel anything for him but hate, but I can't.  And the point is not even that thanks to him I now have two princesses, but that I still love him.
    I decided to look at him again, he was already leaving.

“Thank you,” I said in such a tortured voice, it’s understandable, roar for so long.

    I don’t understand why I thanked him, because it was he who was to blame for everyone and had no right to do this either with the girls or with me, but that’s my nature, I can’t help but thank.
    Justin turned to look at me.  We met eyes, he smiled at me and left.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 7!

Quarrel in the holy family | Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = JelenaWhere stories live. Discover now