Chapter 10.

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    Justin slowly turned to me and in his hands was a bouquet of flowers, which he handed me.  At first I didn’t want to take them, but it’s as if some force controls me and my movements.  I accepted the gift.

    Selena took the flowers and didn't answer.  An awkward silence followed, but a storm broke out when our gazes met.  Even though we didn’t say a word, we still understood each other’s feelings and emotions.  She looked at me as penetratingly and sincerely as on our first date.  I could never forget this devoted and loving look, which sunk into my soul from the very beginning.
    Selena was the first to break the silence.

      "What do you want?" she asked.
      "We need to talk."
      “I don’t think so,” with these words she turned around and was about to go back into the house, as I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards me.
      “Listen to me-,” I didn’t have time to finish, because Selena interrupted me.
      "I'm already fed up with your fairy tales!" tears came to her eyes.
      "Selena!" I came closer and began to wipe transparent tears from her plump cheeks;  she pulled away, but I still didn't let her go.
      "Forgive me for everything!  I know I was a fool!  I shouldn't have done that!  I was just drunk and did not understand what was happening," I began to make excuses.
      "So you were drunk all this time?  And when you married Hailey, too?" no longer hiding her tears she said.
      "Everyone knows that I had many girls, but with none I was not happy.  I myself do not know what was the motivation behind proposing this to Hailey, but after several months of marriage, I realized that I could not live without you!  You are all I need!" she stared at me, her childish innocent look.
      “I know I didn't deserve your forgiveness, but I decided that you should know my feelings.  Sorry for everything," saying this, I let go of her hand, turned around and walked towards the exit of Selena's cottage.

    Some incomprehensible thing that controls my body and mind has not yet receded.  I called out to Justin.

      "I forgive you!"
      "Really?" he said in surprise.
      "Yes, because I still love you, and even more so girls need a father.  So the world," my tears disappeared like a hand, and from my cheerful tone it was impossible to say that a minute ago I was shedding tears.
      “I don’t want to live without you,” I was just telling the truth.
      "As strange as it may sound, but I am without you too!"  in fact, I was glad I said that;  now I have found some kind of inner peace and satisfaction.
      "Selena, will you marry me?" Justin, as expected, knelt down and handed me the ring.
      “I hope you’re talking soberly now?”   I joked and we both laughed.

    I put a ring on my beautiful lady's thin finger, and getting up from my knee, passionately kissed her plump lips.
    After kissing, she took my hand and pulled me into the house.  The girls were delighted with my visit.  Selena talked about the imminent marriage, which everyone was happy, except for Tgeresa.  A friend dissuaded my bride, but she somehow talked her out and now everyone is happy.
    We decided to play the wedding immediately!  An uncountable number of people gathered, because in addition to the invited guests, annoying fans also arrived here.  Now the whole world knew that we got married and that we have seven-year-old daughters.
    The celebration went off with a bang.  Selena looked stunning in her crisp white wedding dress that accentuated her figure.  I, too, did not lag behind, although there was nothing remarkable about the usual tuxedo.  Decorations, treats, entertainment were liked by everyone without exception.  Everyone enjoyed the day, young and old!
    Well, we are officially married!  Newlyweds, so to speak.  And everyone is happy.

    Our family life is going very well.  The clingy haters disappeared, there was more support.  Since the wedding, Justin and I have never quarreled, we live in perfect harmony.
    Literally 9 months after the wedding, another miracle happened to us.  We have a continuation of our kind!  And you will never believe who is who!  Two girls, identical twins!  Yes, yes, I myself did not think that this could happen.  Two little, blonde-haired, blue-eyed princesses, exactly like their sisters.  We named them Taytum and Oakley Bieber.  It feels like we are living everything that has already happened anew, but only now amicably and happily.  Now we have four children, two pairs of twins!
    Justin proves to be a great father!  Hee is always interested in the success, health of girls, he is engaged and has fun with them.  He also does a great job of being a good husband.
    Our career did not end there, but only rose even higher.  Thanks to the unearthly beauty of Ava, Leah, Taytum and Oakley, they were recorded in the model almost from birth.  They shoot almost every day.  Now the whole family is in show business.
    Now everyone in the world knows us not as the once former Justin and Selena, but as two loving spouses who have gone through a lot to achieve true love.  Now everyone knows just as the Bieber family.

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ THE END!

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