Chapter 8

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  Nearly two weeks had passed and almost everything had gone back to normal, Ruth was all better again and even had dared to step in a canoe the other day, but one thing hadn't gone to normal, for about a week Scotty had refused to speak to Cory, he'd avoid him as much as possible but acted completely normal toward Izaak and Ruth, after that week he stopped avoiding Cory and they spoke again but not much, Cory had a feeling Izaak told him to stop avoiding him, and everybody does as Izaak says.

  Cory sighed as he walked behind his friends when they went on a hike, they had started hiking each day almost a week ago, off the trial, just kind of exploring in their free time.
  ''I'm telling you! It's awesome there!''Spencer was telling Scotty and Jane about his home town, when Cory looked at the three of them he couldn't help but feel as if he had replaced him and Izaak. They seemed to have gotten so close in just a few weeks.
  In front of them Izaak and Ruth were passionately talking about a show they had seen but no one else had watched, they finally found someone to talk to about that show.
  Which left Cory alone with his camera, he knew Jane and Spencer probably wouldn't really mind him joining but they were too deep inthe conversation already, and Cory would rather stay away from Scotty for awhile.

  They had just left the actual path and started going their own way, as they made their way through bushes ad overrocks and leaves birds flew away, not used to people causing unrest.
  ''Damn, this place is nice.'' Ruth said and Cory agreed as he started snapping pictures, every now and again taking a candid photo of the group with him, he had one photo he had taken of Spencer he had quite liked but had been too anxious to show him.
  ''Cory, I think this could be a nice shot.'' Scotty called out to him in the friendliest tone he had heard in a while, Cory followed him, though he was cautious, he couldn't help but feel like Scotty might do something to him, but then he saw he was right. From where Scotty stood there was a little stream and sunlight danced playfully on the water that ran down, Cory kneeled down, snapped photos and then looked at them, these might be some of the better photos he had taken thus far at camp.

  ''Have you been into photography for long?''Spencer asked him when they had continued their hike and Cory had caught up with them after taking a few pictures of the view.
  ''Yeah, a couple years.'' He answered, he noticed Scotty had turned around to look at them but then quickly focused back on Ruth who was showing him her rings, Scotty had a deep appreciation for jewelry, he had a few rings himself as well.
  ''I brought a lot of rings, if you'd like you can pick out a view? I have way too many anyway.'' Scotty couldn't even hide his excitement, ''Wait for real?'' 
  ''What do you like to photograph best?''Spencer asked, still walking besides Cory and he smiled politely at him.
  ''Uhm.'' Cory answered, but luckily there was Izaak, he had waited for them and joined in on their conversation.
  ''Honestly, Cory you should show him some of your pieces!.'' Then he focused on Spencer, ''My favorites of his are the ones he takes of people when they don't realize, I bet he took at least one of you like that today.'' Izaak smirked widely and blood rushed through Cory's cheeks,this was exactly what he didn't want, what if he would just think it was weird and stalkerish, but he was quickly proven wrong, Spencer's smile got even bigger than it already was, ''Wait, really? Can I see?'' he beamed.
  ''Uhm, yeah.'' He went through his pictures until he found the one of Spencer he liked and showed it to him.
  ''Dude!'' Spencer exclaimed, he stared at the photo, ''This is like, fucking amazing! I'm like the worse person to photograph but you nailed it!'' his excitement was noticed by the others and they came to them, wondering what the hype was about.
  ''Last winter Scotty and I had visited him in New York and he had taken some photo's for modeling gigs, like he's amazing.''Izaak added proudly with a big smile on his face.
  ''Oh yeah, Pretty Boy, I forgot.'' Ruthremembered, she had come to stand next to Spencer and was also looking at the photo.
  ''How could you forget if you see that beautiful face every day?'' Scotty asked mockingly as he winked to Izaak, who rolled his eyes, Spencer was not looking at them rather than the photo.
  ''These are really good, Cory.'' Ruth said as she handed back his camera, he mumbled a thanks and put the strap attached tothe camera back around his neck.
  ''Could you take some pictures of me sometime?'' Ruth added, Cory hated being asked this question, he didn't like it when people asked that question, that one time he had helped Izaak out was because Izaak needed a photographer and he happened to be there, he had offered, he found once people asked the fun got taken out of it and he did not enjoy that.
  ''No.'' he replied abruptly, not giving it a second thought, Ruth looked at him, slightly hurt, Cory smiled at her, she had been rude to him all summer.
  ''You're an ass.'' Scotty said, he turned around and walked without saying a word, Ruth followed him.
  ''That was kind of mean,'' Spencer said, disappointmentwas readable from him face as he also followed, until Cory was alone with Izaak.
  ''Go one then. I know you'd rather be with them. I'll find my way back to camp.'' Cory snapped to him, Izaak sighed.
  ''Calm down, Cory.'' Izaak put his hands up in the air, Cory hadn't thought about it but this thing between himself and Scotty probably bothered him too.
  ''No it's fine, I'm heading back. Have fun.'' Cory turned on his heals and got ready to hike back when Izaak rose his voice, something that had only happened one time before.
  ''For fucks sake.'' Cory turned around again to face Izaak, he saw the others had done so as well, ''Both of you.'' He pointed firmly at Scotty and Cory, ''You are acting like fucking children! Ruth.'' He sharply turned to Ruth who flinched slightly at the tone of his voice.
  ''Ruth,'' he repeated calmer now. ''Are you angry at Cory?'' Ruth looked at him and he back at her, he held her gaze.
  ''No.'' she said then, her face turned slightly red.
  ''Great, thank you.'' His focus returned to Scotty and Cory. ''So you guys are going to resolve this now. Ruth isn't angry so why are you? Maybe Cory made a mistake, he knows that, so grow the fuck up.'' 
Everyone stood there awkwardly looking around avoiding making eye contact with Izaak, but not Scotty, Cory saw his jaw clenched and he made a fists of his hands as he looked right at Izaak.
  Great, this will be a mess. Cory thought as he mentally got ready to be screamed at again or punched, or for him and Izaak to fight again.
  Spencer put his hand on Scotty's shoulder and mumbled something to him, nothing happened, then, slowly, he took a deep breath and released his fists.

  ''Cory, I'm sorry.'' He said quietly, he looked at Cory but not directly in his eyes.
  ''Me too, I know I messed up.'' Cory replied,he looked at his feet again, when he looked up again Scotty was grinning at him, for the first time in weeks.
  ''Finally.'' Izaak sighed, deeply relived.

  After that hike things had finally gone back to they used to be, sure things were a little off between Scotty and Cory still but not as obvious anymore and they were able to talk to each other again.
  Spencer, Jane and Ruth sat with them at dinner, Evelyn had dropped the pan with the mac and cheese, which went all over the kitchen floor, and there were not enough ingredients anymore to restart so Katrin had ordered pizza's, they all had taken a few slices, Spencer had gotten a lot of hate for adding pineapple to his pizza, Scotty being as dramatic as he was even scooted away from him when he saw it.
  ''Dishonor.'' Scotty said, Izaak, who just as Cory knew very well where this was going, sighed loudly.
  ''Dishonor on you.''
  ''I beg of you.'' Izaak whispered.
  ''Dishonor on your family.''
   ''I'm begging.''
  ''Dishonor on your cow.'' Scotty finished quoting Mulan, if there was a plate with pizza in front of him, Cory knew Izaak would've just hit the table with his forehead. Spencer gasped loudly, pretending to be offended.
   ''How dare you speak of my cow.'' He beamed at Scotty, unable to stay I his act, which left Scotty even more disappointed in him.
   ''You have a lot to learn.'' He said as he patted Spencer's shoulder.
   Once Spencer had eaten his pineapple pizza they all continued eating in peace, Spencer didn't dare get more pineapple.
  A few people asked if anyone was down for a soccer game after dinner and they all agreed so about half an hour after dinner they all changed and got ready for a game of soccer.
  They made teams but Cory decided not to play and instead take photos, he sat beside Scotty who also wasn't playing, and he had taken out his sketchbook and pencils again and started sketching something that looked like the game in front of them, along with the players Cory also got some photos of Scotty who didn't even notice the camera being pointed at him, or the sound of the camera when he took his photo. 

  The game didn't last long, only half an hour later someone managed to get themselves injured by taking a ball to the nose and having a major nosebleed.

  ''What do you guys wanna do now?'' Ruth asked, Izaak shrugged.
  ''Honestly, I'm down to just do nothing.''Scotty said, he had abandoned his sketch when the game had ended and now laid on his back, his arms and legs stretched out.

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