Eye See You

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There he was, acting as if everything was normal. He watched the children on the playground, his oversized belly threatening to escape from his shirt. His eyes, a stormy grey, were attentive to everything around him though they were blind to us.

Zayn's face was set into a grimace at the man who was the least attractive person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. His hand found my trembling one and he brought it to his lips, his whiskers tickling my fingers.

"Are you alright babe?" He asked in a low voice. I nodded and watched as the guy started moving towards another boy. I sat there smirking as he chatted up the little kid, getting up from my hiding spot.

I could feel Zayn's eyes on me as I moved towards the man. I was wearing a black slim sleeveless shirt and tight white jeans with Converse sneakers. I was staring down at my phone as I walked, running straight into the man.

" Oh, my, gosh. I'm so sorry." I said, bending over to pick up my phone.

" No, it's my fault, I shouldn't have just been standing here."

"Is that your son?" I asked him. His eyes grew large as he shook his head, quickly walking off.

"And here I thought you didn't care about the little boys?" Zayn whispered in my ear.

"I realized the world would be better off with less of us." I replied. "We'll be less unique then. Now shut up and go after him." I said.

"Ohh so commanding, I like it." He said, kissing my cheek before walking off.

I cut through the park, crossing by all the potential kidnaps. Their parents were busy chatting with one another to keep a careful eye on their kids. I frowned and started to jog until I made it to the parking lot.

I walked over to my car and turned the engine over, backed out and pulled off. I drove around the parking lot a couple of times until I saw the man coming off the path, Zayn a couple of steps behind him.

I drove as fast as I could towards him, slamming on the breaks just as he stepped into the parking lot. He jumped back, slamming his hands on the hood but as soon as he saw me his facial expression changed from fury to confusion. He turned around, surprised that Zayn was so close to him. I watched as he opened his mouth to speak. Zayn simply placed his hand on the man's face, his fingers clutching the skin for a good hold, and with all his strength slammed the guy's head into the hood over and over. Once he was sure the guy wouldn't move again he calmly grabbed the guy's wrists and dragged him to the backseat. He slammed the door and got in beside me.

"So adding kid-" Zayn looked at the unconscious body, "adult-napping to the list of things that can get us thrown in jail."

"Still gotta find the kid he stole." I said driving off.

Zayn licked his lips, "So we'll have to get the answers out of him." I smiled because I already knew what he planning. So much for just killing the fucker and burying the body.

"You're getting soft." Zayn whispered.

"Ehh, not that soft." I said, driving to my family's lake house. Once we pulled up I turned and inspected the backseat. "I hope he's not dead." I said. Zayn reached back and placed his fingers on the guy's throat to check his pulse. 

"Still alive," He said. I shrugged, turned off my car and smiled at him. 

"Ready for more handy work?" I asked him. He kissed my cheek one good time before getting out the car and grabbing the body. He hauled the man over his shoulder and drove the car in the garage. I got out and walked inside, walking down the stairs into the basement. 

The place was damp and quiet, the only people within twenty miles was that guy, Zayn, and me. Once I was downstairs I watched as Zayn duct taped the man to the chair. I walked over to the toolbox, lying it on the table. I looked at Zayn, who dug into the man's pocket, pulling out a wallet.

"Ron, that's so...bland. A kidnapping rapist named Ron, how lame is that."

"Hey!!" I protested. "Ronald Weasley made Ron a very hot name alright!"

"But this guy isn't hot." He said, pointing back at the guy. Zayn's smile turned sadistic as he brought his hand back and swung it across Ron's face. Ron's eyes flew open as he screamed out in pain.

"But he's got pretty eyes." I said, walking up to the bounded man. "Such pretty eyes," I said, holding one eye open with my fingers. "Do you think I ca have them?" I asked Ron.

"Wh-what?" He asked me.

"Your eyes, I want them. Though not yet. Could you tell me something?" I asked him.

"What do you want from me?"

"Just to know where the little boy you kidnapped is."

"Why should I tell you that?" 

"Hmm, I figure you shouldn't." I said, smiling at him. "That's why we get to torture you!" I said, clapping my hands together. "Then after we're done cutting you apart then well you'll be dead, I'll be happy, and Zayn and I get to fuck!"

"So you can just tell us where the kid is and we'll just quickly cut you up and kill you, or you can do the whole 'resistance thing' and it'll be long drawn out torture before your untimely demise." 

"Fuck you!" He said, hacking up and spitting in my face. A knife plunged down into his thigh, a scream coming from his mouth.

Zayn was croutching beside me, biting my ear softly. "I think he chooses long and drawn out." He whispered. "More fun for me."

**A/N: So yeah, the torture chapter is about to begin.**

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