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I picked at my food, trying to separate everything that was deemed inedible. Niall kept smiling at us, his face close to falling off. Finally I gave up and asked him, "What's up?"

"We saved a fucking kid yesterday! LIKE OMG WE'RE HEROES!!" He screamed in excitement. I smiled inwardly at the joyful blonde who looked over at his boyfriend. Liam nodded silently, still eating his food. He looked up at me, his gaze quickly going back down.

I stared at him but he kept his eyes away from me, intentionally avoiding my gaze. He got up, silently walking away, leaving us all confused. Niall looked down, pushing his tray away. "What's wrong with him?" I asked him.

"i'm not sure." He said, shaking his head. He stared at the spot where Liam previously was, a frown on his face. "You don't think he wants to break up with me do you?" He asked.

"I seriously doubt that." I told him.

"What about Zayn, where is he?" Niall asked me. "He hasn't been at school for three days." Niall said what I already knew. 

"I'm not sure, he hasn't been answering his phone or his texts messages." I told him. The pit in my stomach was steadily growing, especially when I saw officers walk into the cafeteria.

A sudden hush fell over the school as everyone waited to see what they were doing. Who they were looking for.

"Excuse me," One said in a normal voice. It was so quiet that he didn't even have to raise his voice. "Is there a Louis Tomlinson present?" He asked. Even if I wanted to hide I couldn't because all heads turned towards me.

"Oh, Louis, what did you do?" Niall asked. I shook my head, unsure of anything that was occurring with right now.

They walked over to us, silence still covering the room. "Can we sit?" The one that spoke asked. Niall nodded and he sat down, gazing at us both. "Louis?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled softly at me.

"What can I help you with officer?" I asked him.

"Zayn Malik, have you seen him?" He asked us.

"Nope."" I answered quickly. The other cop just stared at us, not saying anything, just watching. 

"Are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded and he turned his attention to Niall. "What about you?"

"No sir, what's this about?" Niall asked.

"That's none of your concern." The other one said in a low gravely voice. Niall looked at me, rolling his eyes and I smirked. "Is there something funny?" He asked.

"Calm down," His partner said. J. Millers, his name tag read. He smiled at me, opening his mouth and then closing it. "Don't worry kids, it's nothing you should really concern yourselves with." He said with a polite smile. "Finish your meals." He said, walking off.

His partner, Officer Johnson, glared at us before getting up to walk off. I looked at Niall who's face twisted in confusion. 

"That was the oddest thing ever." He said, murmurs filling up the cafeteria. I nodded, the feeling in my gut growing worse. "You need to find Zayn." He said.

"I'm not sure how." I told him.

"You think he did something stupid, like a break in or something? That totally screams Zayn to me. Maybe it was graffiti!?" He said.

"Maybe." I said, the bell ringing to end lunch.

"I'm going to assume that there won't be a third period for you today?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled, "Go warn your babe. He's totally your soul mate."

I stuck my tongue out and leaned in, hugging him tightly. "And you see what's up with your soul mate." I told him.

"All he needs is more Niall kisses!" Niall said happily. He broke our embrace and grabbed his bag from the floor and wlaked out with the herd of people. I grabbed my bag and headed out the exit doors. 

I ran around to the parking lot, hopping in my car and driving off to Zayn's. Once I was ther eI got out and hurried up to the door, banging on it. "Zayn Malik, open the bloody door or I will kill you!" I yelled. No answer. I tried the knob to find it locked. I left his front porch and walked around the house, trying every window until one finally opened.

I climbed through, looking around the empty kitchen. "Zayn, where the hell are you?" I whispered to myself. I walked through the quiet halls,  checking through every room. Zayn's room was perfect, looking as if nothing was off. I walked over to his bed and picked up his pillow, pulling his journal from it's hiding place.

I sat on his bed and flipped through it, smiling at all of the pictures of me. I was his muse and he was my reason for living. Each page was covered with a different pose of me except for the final page. There were words on it.

Dear Louis,

I'm so sorry. I fucked up. 

Please forgive me

I stared blankly at the page, trying to figure out how. What happened? How did Zayn fuck up? I held the journal to my chest, getting up and heading to the front door.

As soon as I opened the door lasers pointed to my chest. "GET DOWN NOW!" A voice screamed. I dropped in response, this whole day getting more and more confusing. I heard someone yell, "check the house he's in there somewhere."

Feet ran past me and I felt a tug on my arms, forcing them beind my back. There was a click as the handcuffs were put in place. "I knew you were hiding him, you two are lovers after all." The familiar voice came.

"Why Officer Johnson, don't you know love makes people do crazy things?" I asked him.

"Is that why you were harboring a murderer?" He asked me. I froze as he pulled me up.

"There's nobody here." Officer Millers called from behind us. I turned around to see a sad expression on his face. "I thought you were going to lead us to him." He said.

"Well that'll be dumb." I spat. 

"So do you know anything about the murders?" He asked me. I gulped, keeping my mouth shut. He nodded and read my rights, grabbing the journal off the ground as Officer Johnson pulled me away to the back of his squad car. He threw me into the back and slammed the door shut.

He got in shortly after, pulling off. I stared out the window, watching the only connection I had to Zayn, his journal, get further and further away. All I could think of now was what the hell did he do, and how to find him. If I could find him.

**A/N: So cliff-hanger. I asked my friend Ellie whether or not there should be a sequel. I told her depending on how she answered that will determine this final chapter. Well obviously you know her answer. Well that's all for this story until I make the sequel!!**

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