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I could see ghosts and Incantation. No mask nor lies could hide from my eyes.

At the party, I remember the priest's son who committed suicide. He came and interacted with everyone like nothing happened. Everyone doesn't seem to remember but me.

Then there was this little girl, possessed by a dead woman who returned as a specter with her unfinished business. The women took over the girl and transformed like she was always there at the party. But I could see the innocent girl spectating inside the woman, and she seems to have decided to help the soul to move on from this world.

No matter how much they want to hide to meet the people they love. I could see through them as they stared back at me, the shadows behind their back. Waiting to offer comfort when they're in their time of weakness.

It could only mean one thing as they have made a pact with him.

The devil himself. God

I knew because I made one myself.

I was his favorite and decided to grant me great powers. Great that it compared next to his. I never abuse the gift he gave me for I was his favorite for a reason, and it was for this reason that I was his favorite.

'you're too kind for this world', he said.

But my mother fell ill as the day finally came where I was his version of Judas.

Maybe my demons finally caught up to me. After all, the world was never kind, to begin with. I let my mother cheated death when the time came and clung to every soul of my family's life. I did the repetition in an endless cycle for a decade. We were happy and my family was all I needed for me to show me the light.

I knew the consequences of my actions. But it was already too late to beg for mercy from him. So he took them away from me. My only joy and light in this world. The only thing that made me sane. The only thing that I have ever wanted in this. Cruel. and. Tainted world.

He wasn't kind to me anymore because I became his favorite prisoner.

But with the sympathy he still has for me. He decided to leave me in the shadows. To leave his light in the dark. Only blinking when the demons took me in their warm and kind embrace.

But I freed myself when I refused their kind offer.

Now as a curse made by God himself, I'm stuck in this immortal prison. Immortality itself was torture when you see your beloved depart from this world. Time and time again I decided to love, only to watch their ghost and be struck by misfortune.

People tend to avoid me as if they already saw the shadows looming around me.

If only they could see through the thickness of the fog. Maybe they will see the spark of my candle, who's waiting to be ignited.

I searched for my light, time and time again in this world, and when I didn't. She came to me. Brave and unafraid, as if shadows mean nothing to her when she walks over to me in the coffee shop off where we met. With each step she took, the shadows cleared their way for her. Like she was the fire itself, lighting my world once again.

she took a seat in front of me, her ocean blue eyes pierced through me, and when she smiled it took my breath away. She talked and the shadow retreated at her voice. Her beautiful and elegant voice. I finally believed that I was not deaf, I thought to myself back then.

But then again, God wasn't so kind.

I forgot who I was as my clock keeps ticking. I was finally happy and found my torch. All that mattered was her, and everything around me was nonexistent. I was ready to propose my love to her when I found her lying in a bed of flowers in our backyard.

She looks beautiful and perfect. Too perfect and kind, for this world. Just like what he said to me.

She wasn't breathing.

It struck me that he was playing me all along. He reminded me of my place and that I wasn't done playing prisoner for him. A drop of tear fell as it was followed by the rain. I kneeled before her. The one and only person I will go on my knees for after he took my family away.

I wept while carefully touching her face. Her skin was feather and soft. She looked so beautiful and alive as if she's only sleeping. But I knew better than to believe the latter.

"I---" I gasp as a drop fell on her cheek. "I'm so sorry," I said through my tears. "It's all my fault I should've--" I clenched the flowers beside her head and swallowed the bile in my throat. "--I should've avoided you," I said as I tried to stay still for a minute while controlling the shakiness of my breath. It was useless, so I said my last goodbye and whispered, "I love you". My tears slid down to her face as I bent my head down to softly kiss her rose lips.

~Fin :')

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