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Description: Inko and Izuku are usually lovely people and generally nice and caring but when it comes down to fights they go into full on rage mode and don't speak to each other for about a week afterwards, no one can intervene at this point cause then they'll have two angry Midoriya's against you. You don't want that. Unfortunately Mr Aizawa and All Might had to experience this side of them when they go to ask about the dorms.

>yes< no

Inko got a call from her husband saying that he was coming back to Japan. She still loves her husband very much but she doesn't really speak to Izuku, as their schedules never line up, but they still love each other. When Izuku is told of this news he is given the phone with his father on the other end. He doesn't even bother to here his fathers voice, he just hangs up. This pisses Inko off and they get into a fight, with lots of yelling and trashing the house in the process.

Halfway through the week Mr Aizawa and All Might go to the Midoriya residence to ask about the dorm system. No, Inko and Izuku still hadn't gotten over that fight they had. Izuku really didn't want to see a man who just abandoned his family just cause his son's quirkless. Yes, the two teachers had met Inko before and everyone who had also agreed that she was a lovely woman and that the cinnamon roll title must run in the family.

So when they knocked on the door they were not expecting to hear yelling and arguing coming from inside. Midoriya never argued with anyone unless he had a very strong opinion about something. They even had to double check if they had the right house. They did.

Suddenly the door harshly swung open revealing Izuku with a very strained and fake smile that was very unnerving, eye twitching slightly,

"Oh hey All Might, Mr Aizawa, please come" Izuku said through gritted teeth, but unsettling calm. Both males had never seen Midoriya like this, Aizawa's eyes widened a bit in surprise and All Might started to sweat. (Hey he had the right to be nervous, this was something entirely new for the two teachers). As they walked inside, Izuku slammed the front door as hard as he could, still annoyed at his Mum and Dad, both teachers flinched at how loud it was.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP WE HAVE GUESTS STOP SCREAMING!" Izuku screamed back. Both teachers stood shocked by a few things, 1. Why all the yelling, 2. The cinnamon rolls cursed!?!? And 3. They really were expecting Izuku and his Mum to freak out about All Might being in their little apartment.

"Oh really, please take a seat," Inko said, walking into the room "would you like anything to drink?"

Well that was a quick change of tone. Almost like her personality just flipped. Kinda scary.

"Just some water thanks."

As that was said Inko walked out of the room and Izuku sat in an arm chair across from the couch the two heroes were sitting on. He just wrapped a blanket around himself and decided to take a nap not going to take shit from anyone today. Soon enough Inko walked back into the room with some water, and placed it on the coffee table.

As soon as she walked Into the room, Izuku lifted his head to send a harsh glare at her, now apparently awake. Inko sat in another arm chair, the air thick with tension as the Mother and Son glared at each other, the intensity of her glare reaching the amount of her Son's.

"Ahem, so we would like to discuss why we were here" All Might awkwardly coughed out.

"Oh yeah why are you guys here" Izuku said, breaking off the glaring contest to stare at his teachers with curiosity.

"Well the school has decided to install dorms for the students' safety and we need to get a guardian's permission for that" Mr Aizawa said, finally speaking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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