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Summary: Aizawa and All Might go to visit the Bakugou's house to ask permission for the dorms. They didn't expect to see Bakugou dancing with his Dad, the music blasting, with him laughing and having fun. They didn't expect to see a different, hidden side to Bakugou.

>yes<  no

The two teachers/heroes looked at the schedule, they were ahead by half an hour, but that didn't matter too much, the quicker they get this done, the quicker they can go home. As they pulled up to the Bakugou residence, they weren't sure what to expect, but they were definitely expecting lots of yelling and screaming. So it was a shock when they walked up to the front door hearing, laughing and music being blasted, instead of insults and screaming. (Like you usually would). They knocked on the door, soon after Mitsuki answered it with a soft smile on her face;

"Oh! All Might, Mr Aizawa, what can I do for you today"

"We're here to discuss some changes that will be made to the school, may we come in, we also need to talk to Katsuki and your Husband if it's ok" Aizawa briefly explained.

"Of course you can come in, let me show you to them" Mitsuki hummed, as she led them into the dining/living room. Stopping at the door to watch her Son and Husband dancing and laughing, together, not having noticed the two new people's presence.

To say All Might and Mr Aizawa were shocked was an understatement, they were absolutely dumb founded. They only thought that Katsuki could express different levels of annoyance and anger. Apparently not. Because at this very moment they see him laughing and having fun whilst dancing with his Father to the hokey pokey. The song sounds like it came straight from a children's CD, in which it probably did. But at that moment they could tell that he was happy and they really didn't want to disturb the happy atmosphere, they just wanted to cherish this moment forever.

All Might secretly recording, so he can save it to his proud dad moments of class 1A folder.

You see, Masaru, (Bakugou's dad) suggested dancing as another way to let emotions out, and Katsuki actually likes it, so sometimes they will turn up the music and dance. Usually they make up their own dance moves, they aren't very good at it but they have fun. Mitsuki just watches from a distance with a smile on her face.

"Ahem boys, I don't want to disturb you, but we have guests," Mitsuki said, clearing her voice and making their presence known. Katsuki was spun around, clumsily, to face his teachers, making him laugh before looking at who the guests were. But as soon as he got a glance of them, his eyes went wide as his whole face heated up red with embarrassment, letting out a little squeak he bolted from the room. Promptly to go hide in a small space where they can't find him.

Back in the dining/living room Mitsuki and Masaru sigh,

"He always does this, he'll be out in a while or when we go find him in a few hours time" they explained to the teachers, who seemed a little disappointed. Now only just having witnessed this new side to Katsuki.

All Might was definitely going to make a video compilation on all the good times that have happened in 1A, and this was definitely going to be in it. And Katsuki was definitely going to kill him for it, when he shows it at the end of the year, in front of the whole class. But until then All Might was safe.

"Um anyway, sorry for interpreting that little moment, but we need to discuss the issue at hand" Mr Aizawa grumbled

"Oh don't worry about it, he'll be over it soon, but yes anyways what was this plan that needed to get put into action" Masaru said

— time skip —

"Thank you again for your time, hope you have a good evening" the two heroes said waving goodbye. The two parents waved back before signing and going inside,

"We're going to have to look for him won't we" Mitsuki asked,

"Yeah, I just wish he wouldn't freak out like that every time something like that happens" Masaru responded, slightly dejected


"Now let's go find him, dinner should be ready soon".

— time skip —

The parents searched the house for about an hour, before deciding that he had fallen asleep somewhere. But before they gave up their search for their son, they heard it. Soft breaths coming from under the stairs. Opening up the little side door they found their son, Katsuki, asleep, curled up on a pile of blankets, looking so peaceful.

"Hey hon, it's time to wake up, dinners ready" Mitsuki gently shook Katsuki's shoulder, causing him to furrow his eyebrows and groan.

"Hey Mum, hey Dad," Katsuki responded sleepily, cracking one ruby red eye open, "have they left?"

"Yes they have left, now come on out, dinners ready"




Lamo sorry Kacchan's very ooc in this oh well.
Katsuki and his Dad dancing:

Katsuki and his Dad dancing:

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Word count: 855

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