Denki and Aoyama

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A quick few things to note that are important to the story: Denki and Aoyama are cousins, Denki's family are multilingual, OCs are used in this one shot. Also I used google translate for the different languages, so sorry it may not be correct. Enjoy -Ei :)

Description: All Might and Mr Aizawa go to Kaminari's place to ask about dorms and they discover some things about his family, and also Aoyama's.

>yes< no

Denki and his family speak multiple languages. Denki lives with his Mum and Dad, and two younger siblings, his older sister lives overseas. His Dad looks really serious but is actually a man child and his Mum in his words is just a god. She's really sweet and caring, her golden hair fits her golden personality and looks, she always seems to be carrying around a medical kit and a lot of other things in case you forget something, and her bag that magically fits everything in it. His Dad has slick black hair that's been combed back, a few baby hair at the front fall over his eyes. Denki is one of 4 children, there's; Ari, his sister who's the oldest, then it's Denki, afterwards it's his two younger siblings, the twins; Raiki and Tora. Raiki is a boy and Tora is a girl, they are both very energetic. Raiki is the older twin. Because of his younger siblings he's very good with children and he just adores them. And he loves his family very much and would do anything for them.

Denki's Dad is a business man and his Mum works in a children's hospital, so they're not at home most of the time, and Ari lives overseas so no one's home most of the time. But they always have all weekend together, they make sure that they're free every weekend for some family time. But that's fine, Denki manages to cook and take care of his younger siblings and the stray cat that passes by his house from time to time. And everyone loves him for it, they don't really care what grade he's getting at school, they're just glad that he's safe and doing what he likes, whilst taking care of the family. Denki's family is pretty rich, but you wouldn't really know it, none of them dress or act like it, they just spend their money on their travels, shopping and learning a new language; something that they all seem to enjoy. They also move around a lot and have been to many different countries.

Kaminari is cousins with Aoyama, and they have a really good relationship, those who know of them could think of them as bffs or even brothers, they do look kind of similar. The Aoyama's come over for tea and to catch up a lot, but that doesn't really bother anyone. Usually they come unannounced, but that's all good, they always get welcomed into the house with open arms. At this point they have their own key to get in, a spare room for the parents, another bed in Denki's room and some clothes there, all already set up for them.

So as you could imagine it's a surprise to All Might and Mr. Aizawa when they go to visit the Kaminari residence. To find them having morning tea with the Aoyama's, and apparently that they're related.

It was another ordinary Saturday morning in the Kaminari household, the Aoyama's were over for morning tea, the parents sitting in the living room chatting casually, Denki, Raiki, Tora and Yuga (Aoyama) running around the house playing tag. Laughter filling the air as well as the sweet smell of the honey biscuits and herbal tea.

Then the doorbell rang and the twins decided to go answer it, each speaking a different language; Raiki speaking in Latin and Tora speaking in French.

"Hello is this the Kaminari residence?" came he tired voice of Mister Aizawa when the twins opened the door

"Etiam" "Oui" they responded in the different languages (meaning: yes)

"Uhhh what?" came All Might, not understating a single thing they just said. Making the twins giggle cutely.

"O te All Might delectation est in occursum tibi" (Oh you're All Might, pleasure to meet you) Raiki said in Latin, bowing along with his twin,

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