Chapter 19

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"What do you mean you're moving in?" He asked, closing the door behind him

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"What do you mean you're moving in?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

Olivia turned around to find Ethan standing too close to her. Her breath hitched for a second and she thought that this might be a bad idea, but she composed herself quickly, answering, "Precisely that. I cannot live with my stepmother anymore." She said, lightly pushing him back, "I very strongly believe that she will drive me insane enough to kill myself one day. I had to get out of there."

Ethan sighed. "Olivia, I understand the situation you are in, but you can't live here."

"Why not? You have this big dirty house for yourself. What difference would it make if I take a room, clean it, and sleep in it?"

"You know I have a mate, Olivia. She will tear your skin if she were to find out."

"It's not like we're doing anything wrong! And we're friends now aren't we?" She continued pleadingly, "please, I'm tired. At least let me stay here for a few days until I figure out where to go."

"Why don't you go to one of your friends? What about Kaden?" He asked.

"Kaden lives with his grandparents. He already takes care of them and I don't want to add the burden. I feel like he already has enough on his plate." She said. "As for Natalie, she thinks everything is alright between Jill and me, so if I go to her place I would have to explain to her why I can't live with my stepmother anymore."

Ethan stayed silent for a couple of seconds, weighing the pros and cons, before saying, "I will not be responsible for you if, by some misfortune, my mate decides to kill you in the future."

"I can take care of myself. Plus, it seems like every other person is out to kill me these days and I've been evading death at every possible step, so I think I'll be fine."

Olivia happily skipped and hugged him. She needed that hug to forget about the terrible day that she had been having.

He shrugged her off and said, "try to leave as soon as possible."

She smiled, taking no offense. She pretended to be oblivious to his cold behavior.

She had already surveyed the house before and knew exactly which room she wanted. She picked the one that was opposite Ethan's. It had wide windows that allowed sufficient sunlight to enter the room. Other than that there was nothing good about it. The furniture was covered with white cloths, it was dusty and dirty, just like the floor.

"Do you ever clean this place?" She asked, walking into Ethan's room without knocking. He was reading a book when she interrupted him. "Where are the cleaning supplies?"

"Closet to the left," he said without looking up from the book.

Olivia got everything she needed and spent three hours cleaning the room, rearranging the furniture, and placing her belongings from the bag in the right places. She looked at her mother's diary while unpacking. Placing it on the bed she moved on to her other books, neatly arranging them on the shelf. After hours of settling in, she was so tired from doing all the work that she dozed off on the bed.

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