Syd's POV

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"I..... Am a wombat!" I drunkenly slurred, tipped to the side from disorientation.

"Love, I should really get you home..."

"DON'T QUESTION THE FORCE!!!" I cut him off. Yup, i am the crazy kinda drunk. I then proceeded to sprint away from the bar and into the crowd of dancing bodies, laughing hysterically.

"Sydney wait up!" Niall called out but his voice soon faded away as a ran further and further. Hehe hide and seek! I thought dazed, the SEVEN shots I had definitely taking effect on me. Soon my game had become tiresome and I felt painfully lonely without Niall by my side so I quickly spotted his quiffed blonde hair in the club and trotted over to him. Seeing him dance alone I decided to join him and apparently grinding seemed like a good idea too.... Wow how wasted was I. By sure enough I became immediately lost in the music and paid no mind to that. The only thing probing my thought was the sound of heavy footsteps coming my way and then a shout,


I whipped my head around only to face Niall, fuming. But wait... I was just dancing with.... Holy SHIT that wasn't Niall I was grinding on it was Justin. Oh sweet Jesus.


"Hey it's not my fault that slut came up and-" Bam. Niall hit Justin square in the face leaving him on the ground clutching his jaw.

Niall put his hand on my back and didn't look back at Justin on the floor. "Lets go."


Walking out of the club we hailed a cab, Niall still not having said a word. Getting into the vehicle I didn't even bother to explain, I was waaay too drunk to even understand what was going on at the moment. I just sat there with a goofy grin on my face, smiling at the ceiling of the taxi and mumbling "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way SYDNEY! Haha they stole my name... Silly fishies..." then my head lolled in the direction of Niall, and seeing his stern gaze made me speak again,"Booboo wus wrong? Why is you so sad? Don't be sad.. I love you!" and with that I passed out on the musty fabric seat of a London taxi cab.

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