🌸chapter one🌸

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*hinata's pov*

"Great work everyone take a break!" Daichi's voice rang out across the gym, making everyone sigh in relief and head to the benches.
I gave a small jittery bounce, annoyed at the interruption of practice, and looked over at bakeyama who was heading to his bottle. 'Can't practice without a setter', I thought frowning abit, and headed over to the rest of the group, giving up.
"Hey hinata"
I look up from where I was sipping my water to see suga's gentle features smiling down at me. Some weird fluttery feeling appeared in my chest but I ignored it.
"Hai suga-senpai!!"
"You doing okay?"
"Yes of course! What about you senpai?"
"I'm fine hinata, I just wanted to remind you not to practice too hard~"
I blushed red at the tease and resisted the urge to stick my tongue out. 'What is happening to me?'
Suga noticing I'd gone silent quickly moved forwards, "I was just teasing! Oh please don't get upset!"
Before I could stop myself I let out a 'hmph', crossed my arms and looked away defiantly.
Suga's eyes widened and he knelt down to my eye level where I was sat on the bench, "not gonna talk to me?~"
I scrunched my nose up, and heard him sigh.
"Well.. Guess I have no other choice.. Than to.." He paused for a second, making me hesitate, what was he gonna do??
suga's hands came out of no where, jabbing at my rib making me lose all pretence of annoyance.
I shrieked with laughter and held onto his arms for dear life.
This went for god knows how long, and when we finally stopped we were holding each other gasping for air, I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him towards me. "That wasn't fair!" I announced, my voice muffled by his shirt as I was still sat on the bench.
He ruffled my hair affectionately, "got you to talk to me didn't it"
We returned to practice after 5 minutes, but something felt off.
I kept stumbling and everytime I did I wanted to cry. Yet everytime bakeyama yelled at me I wanted to pout and storm off.
The tight feeling in my chest had come back after suga-san left my reach and it was starting to get painful.
"BOKE" A loud familiar voice broke my chain of thoughts, making me realise I'd missed another set. This time I couldn't hold back the tears. I ran out of the gym, past the surprised faces of my team mates, and into the field behind the stands.
*third person*

"Kageyama what did you do!" Noya glared at the first year as his favorite kouhai ran out the gym.
"The king made the tangerine cry~" Tsukishima taunted, even though everyone could see in his eyes that he was surprised and slightly worried.
"I didn't do anything different than usual??" Tobio was absolutely flabbergasted. He always called hinata boke it's basically their thing now. Had he failed to notice that it actually hurt him?
The gym broke into a series of accusations and arguments, with daichi trying to break it up.
"I'll go look for him" Suga announced to no one in particular and left.
It didn't take long to find hinata, as his hair made him standout in the dark.
Suga carefully walked towards the shivering first year, who was sat on the grass, hugging his legs tightly.
"Shouyo.. "
Hinata let out a gasp and attempted to hide behind his legs.
Suga smiled at the sight, 'cute'.
"Hey.. It's okay.. What's wrong?"
Hinata looked up with puffy eyes and just stared at suga for a moment before-
Hinata lounged onto suga, making him land on his ass with a surprised 'oof' and straddled him.
Suga looked up at him surprised, but hinata just wrapped his arms around his neck and snuggled his face into the crook of suga's collarbone.
Suga was starting to get a suspicion as to what was happening, "hey honey.." He stroked hinata's back, "how old are you right now"
There was a moment silence and than suga felt hinata tap his back four times.
He smiled softly, glad he'd found the issues, before pulling hinata closer into him.
"Do you need me to take you home sweetheart"
He was answered with a nod that tickled his chin.
Suga slowly got up with hinata still wrapped around him, and walked back towards the gym, holding him protectively.
Everyone was silent at the sight of suga and hinata but by the look in suga's eyes they knew not to say anything yet.
Suga grabbed both their bags and left quickly, leaving the rest of the team with their mouths hanging open, wondering if they were dreaming.
**hey sorry this is quite short, Im finally no longer on the verge of regression, this really helped wowz, I kinda like how this is going tho so I'm probably gonna continue it when I get up,, goodnight and thanks for reading this far!!*"

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