🌸chapter three🌸

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*hinata's pov*

I've been on a high all weekend, since my promise with suga-san was made. I don't know what it means for our normal relationship status but I don't wanna ask about it and ruin and good vibes.
The night of the incident had been a Friday, so we spent Saturday together and i regressed again (this time aware of it) and he spent the night again, but he had to go home on Sunday which made me quite sad but he cheered me up with lots of affection and reminders that he'll see me the next day on Monday.
Monday finally oh my days.
I never rode my bike to school faster.
My mind was racing wondering how I was supposed to greet suga.. Could I hug him? Or are we still just normal friends?
These thoughts caused me to hesitate in my race with kageyama to the changing rooms causing me to lose.
"Ha! Boke! I won again!"
"I won last time!!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Will you guys stop it and go set up?" Daichi's annoyed face was visible peaking around the gym's entrance.
"Sorry" We both mumbled and quickly dropped our bags off into the club room, before hurrying back down the stairs.
When I walked into the gym my eyes was glued straight onto suga who was sat on the bench looking at his phone, but before I could start walking towards him, Yamacuci had peered over his shoulder and said something thus creating conversation.
Better not interrupt them, I turned towards the court and walked to where kageyama was waiting for me.
*suga's pov*

I love watching hinata play.
When he jumps up into the air, I can almost see the wings sprouting from his back.
I cast glances over to him every now and than during practice.. I wonder why he didn't come say hi earlier..
Yamagucci had seen me search up ways of being a good caregiver and had asked if I had a little. It had surprised me that he knew what a little was but he explained that he also had one, and as it was obvious I was new he said he could answer any questions I had.
This had helped a lot as I was terrified of hurting hinata. I was curious about who yamagucci takes care of but of course, since I didn't want to out hinata I shouldn't expect him to out his little.

Once morning practice was over, we all headed to the club room to change.
I took my time as I wanted to talk to hinata and he was always slow at changing.
When we were finally the last ones left I turned to him, but I hadn't expected to see him taking his shirt off-
He stood there half naked for a second before bending over to grab his school shirt, nearly giving me a nose bleed, I quickly turned back around to try and calm my breathing and cool my face down.
Holy moly them back muscles tho-
No suga think holy thoughts-
I'm a simp-
Ok b r e a t h.

"Suga senpai?"
"Hmm? Yes hinata?" Oh I sound so weird, he's gonna think I'm crazy.
"U-uhm I-i'll see you at practice!" I turned to see hinata running out the door, clutching his bag with a red face. I probably scared him off oh no-

*hinata's pov*

Suga's probably gonna think I hate him because I randomly ran away from him like that. But I had to. I had been determined to just have a normal conversation with him, in order to get the gist of our relationship, but the way he responded oh god. His voice was raspy as if he just woke up and it made my chest tighten and I wanted him to myself. Of course I had to run.
Oh dear.
I guess I'll just talk to him at practice..
Or maybe after..
No shouyo stop procrastinating.
Practice it is.

*third person POV*

After school practice rolled around and everyone was practicing hard as per usual.
Hinata could see suga and yamagucci getting annoyingly closer though, but he had to ignore it as, well they weren't anything but friends apart from their caregiver/little relationship.
When practice finally ended, suga and hinata was once again last to leave.
He looked up at the sound of his name,
"You wanna walk home together?"
"O-oh- yeah sure!"
Suga smiled at his kouhai and held out a hand, which hinata jogged forwards to grab onto.
They walked out of the school gates holding hands in comfortable silence, both had something to say and neither knew how to say it.

*hinata's POV*

"So do you feel the need to regress?" Suga San asked from besides me.
"Mmm, not right now, I think it mostly happens when I'm anxious or when I want it to." I say, deep in thought.
"Well do you want it to?"
That question surprised me and I looked over at him, "Uhm well, I guess I like it, and the euphoric feeling I get after it.." I hesitate, did I want to?
Suga-san squeezed my hand to get my attention again, "no need to stress it, I was just asking incase you needed me."
"O-oh. I'm sorry it's all pretty confusing to me right now."
"And that's absolutely okay, I'll be here for you, and we'll figure out anything together."
I blushed at that bold statement and focused my gaze on the floor.
"Uhm so what were you and yamagucci talking about so intently?" I finally asked.
"Well turns out he was also a caregiver and offered to help answer any questions I had"
I froze, "did you tell him?"
"Not about you no, and he didn't tell me who his little was either.." Suga pulled me closer to him as we continued down the street, "I won't tell anyone without knowing you're ok with it."
I smiled widely at him, "thank you.. It's not that I'm ashamed.. I'm just scared..?"
We got to my house and we stopped.
"Uhm so-" I began, but I was interrupted as suga wrapped his arms around me.
However before anything could be said or done, he'd said his goodbyes and quickly walked away, leaving me cold and missing him already.

**hi sorry the ending is so rushed, Im on 3% ah!**

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