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MY NEXT FEW working days at the company were nearly agonizing. It was the same horrid cycle of sitting and doing nothing for some hours, then carrying stuff to his office- only to view his intimacy. At twenty-two, he looked so much older.

In fact, at this exact moment, I am walking up to his office. I knew that I should've gotten a blindfold ready or something, but sometimes we have to be a little bit mature, don't we? 

I rapped lightly on his office door, slightly afraid that I'd be sick down my clothing today. He probably thought that I looked crazy anyway.

"Come in." His sensual voice beckoned. It was nice to hear his voice, but his reaction scared me the most.

I shakily opened the door and stepped in. 

"Good morning, Mr Benlyam. I brought what you ordered for."

"Great. Place it where it usually goes and take a seat."

Did I just hear him correctly? Or did he just say me work was great?! That isn't even the worst part about this all. He asked me to sit with him! He doesn't even invite his releases to sit with him, they usually go to him...

"-ette! Antoniette! What are you still doing? Didn't I call you here?"

"Yes, I suppose you did. But you don't need to speak to me like that. I'm a grown-up, not a little child." Liar!, my subconscious screamed, you're only eighteen! I'm still a legal adult.

He only nodded his head at my sudden rude outburst, and I took a seat. Surprisingly, they weren't as I thought they'd be. Nasty and reeking of cheap feminine perfume.

"So, Toni, how do you like your job here?" He asked, taking a sip out of his tea and leaning back to rest his feet on the desk. "I'm sure you enjoy it, am I right?" A small smirk tugged the edge of his lips.

"Sure I am." I answered back through gritted teeth. He was being annoying on purpose, but it still made me feel slightly perplexed. He was usually quite blunt with me. It isn't like I don't like it, but why the sudden change?

"Well you don't have to put it like that." He frowned a little, genuinely hurt. He dropped his feet, leaning forward and crossing his bulging biceps over his suit- covered chest. "You applied specifically as a receptionist."

"That's what was advertised."

"There were other places available."

I looked down at my lap and saw it visibly shaking, and to be honest, I didn't know whether I was shaking because he invited me over, or just my being frustrated.

"Anyway," He finally broke the unnerving silence. "I'd like to announce to you, that we'll be taking a business trip soon."

"How soon?"

"Well, that hasn't really be-"

"In fact, when is soon?" I was enjoying this.

"Would you please let me speak?". He exhaled aloud. "I don't really know when, but they will report back. I just need you to be prepared. By the way, you're being promoted to Secondary clerk."

I was supposed to be happy, but I remembered it was basically the same job, only me being his personal clerk.

"And what exactly happened to the old one?" I knew I was pushing my luck, but it slipped out.

"Didn't have one." He shrugged. My face twisted with sarcasm. In fact, I wanted to say something, but as soon as he saw my mouth open, his expression darkened.

"If you even think about saying anything, Antoniette- why am I even threatening you?" he asked aloud.

He stood up and stood in front of me. I took some steps back to level his towering body out, but he only walked forward. It was a whole chase game until he blocked me at his wall.

"Why are we acting like children, when you specifically mentioned that you're an adult?" When I didn't answer, he chuckled.

"Well, let's have an adult conversation."


Hello, reader! This might not pop up again, but I suggest you read this.

So, I started school again, and since I'm in an External Examination Class, I can't really update as often. Please expect your newer chapters either Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or just during the weekend. Love ya!

(Help a sister out and comment, share and vote!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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