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The alarm on my phone went off, blaring in my ears. I suddenly sat upright along with my messy hair and scrunched up face.

"Alright already...," I grumbled.

To avoid confusion, that is my alarm which is a remix of annoying noises someone you know does or what you've probably heard in the streets. I set it on purpose because I always have a hard time getting up in the morning. Who doesn't?

As I turned off my alarms (which meant i just snoozed off the others before this one), I quickly checked my phone for messages or calls and noticed 3 from Ven.

"Be down here in the living room in 15 minutes or I'll spread your sleeping picture on Facebook."

Oh wow, me so scared. Meh. I opened the next one.

"11 minutes Kate."

Honestly, I wouldn't give a damn if it was just him and his useless threats on me any day of the year. I'm not that ugly, nor am I pretty. I'm normal-ish looking, round face with normal brown eyes that aren't special in any way, dark brown shoulder-length hair, a normal nose, and a normal mouth, but i got horrified when i opened the last text from him.

It was a picture of me. Sleeping. Correction: DROOLING WITH MY HAIR STUCK IN MY MOUTH.
You little shit! In one swift motion, I bolted out my room while wiping the dried drool on my face and fixing my tangled hair.

I didn't care if I was only wearing a white tank top and a pair of pyjamas pink hearts on it, I was ready to pounce on that freakin' jerk for creeping up on me when I was sleeping.

I found him in the kitchen counter, having breakfast with my mom.

"Wow, that was fast but look at you. You're still dressed in your cutie patootie pj's," Ven said, while looking me up and down with such distaste.

"Well, Ventus Matthews," I said, emphasizing his name, " if you haven't threatened me with that damn picture of me drooling in my pillow then I would've been able to wash my face, brush my teeth, and bathe myself you damn brat!"

"Kate Fiora Smart! Watch your mouth young lady. It's too early in the morning to start your day with such words," Mom said in a stern voice.

Ven snickered at my Mom's use of my whole name. He knows that I loathe my second name. Too girly for my own sake. Blech.

"Sorry, Mother, but this boy here just blackmailed me. And you're letting him have breakfast in our house!" I was starting to fist my hands, readying to punch his nose or whatever.

"Okay, since you got here 3 minutes early I'll delete it. And I'm tired of going home with bruises all over my body. You know May, I think your daughter's really a boy. He packs a solid good punch. I mean she. Hahaha!" the nerd-o said to my Mom while laughing at his own joke.

Worse, my Mom laughed with him. Now they're both laughing at me. Ugh.

I was too pissed to even eat, so I just washed my face on the kitchen sink and got rid of my morning breath with mouthwash. Still not speaking to both of them, I went for the door that leads to our backyard.

I saw my dad in the garden wearing a faded blue denim jumper and a plain white shirt inside, wearing gloves and holding a small shovel.

"Hey, kiddo. What's the ruckus about? Your mom's hyena laugh's giving me the creeps," Dad said while pointing the shovel to the door.

"They're both making fun of me. Doesn't help that Ven's such a suck-up to Mom that they're practically bestfriends now. They're probably planning on how to make my life more miserable," I grumbled. I crossed my arms and pouted like a three-year old who didn't get her candy.

"Whoa, easy there chipmunk. Atleast your Mom likes your bestfriend too much that she even lets him sleepover, knowing the fact that he's a boy and you're a girl and... You know...," he said, trailing off.

Since I've just woken up, it took me 5 secinds to process what he was talking about. And then it sinked in.

"EW DAD! WHAT THE F---UDGE! Why'd you even think of that! Ew! Ew ew ew now I'll never get it out of my head. Thank you so very much dad," I said sarcastically. Ew gross what the effin' hell.

"Haha! But honestly Fiora, it's alright if you go out with him. He's a nice kid, and he takes care of you," he said.

"But that's what bestfriends are for, Dad! And I don't like him in that corny way! Yuck. You know I'm not exactly in the in circle of teenagers today, having boyfriends and glittery nails and pink skirts. Maybe Ven's right; that I am a boy in a body of a girl. Besides, he has a super badass girlfriend whom I like very much so I'm not gonna be the one to break them apart. She'll kick my butt, for sure" I honestly tell him.

"Okay, okay, no need to be that defensive. Go inside now and have breakfast. You look gaunt. What time did you sleep anyway?," he asked.

"Around 4AM. Sorry! I was up all morning because of that stupid said bestfriend. I played Minecraft til morning so I can kick his darn arse in surivival mode." I told him what Minecraft is (even though i know he's not really listening. Just pretending to listen).

"Oh sorry, I zoned out. Haha sorry Katy. Now go on inside and have breakfast with them so you can kick Ven's darn arse later."

"Hmp! Okay, baldie," I teased.

"Twerp!" he bit back.

I love my parents as much as I love breathing everyday, but sometimes I think they're conspiring with Ven on how to piss me off every single morning. Or whenever they can. They should make a book, really. Pissing off Kate for Dummies.

I went in to eat breakfast, luckily Ven was in my room. Probably rummaging through my comic book collection again.

"Hey birdbrain!," I called out to Ven after eating. "Let's play Minecraft! Get my phone before you go down here!"

" 'kay, just a sec!," he shouted.

You're going down, Matthews.

Little did I know that I, too, wasn't prepared when shit hit the fan.

To be continued...

//.hey guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter. I know the book's quite slow, but I'm getting there. Still savoring the feeling that people are reading what I wrote. Hope you like the chapter. Vote, comment, like? Follow? Whatever! Haha.

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