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Have you ever had those random feelings that something is about to go terribly wrong? It's one of those "gut feelings" that most people have, especially when faced with situations wherein they have to choose or decide. You feel your muscles tense, and your nerves feel like they're about to pop along with your fast-beating heart. Sometimes, you're walking in the middle of the street on a sunny afternoon. The wind blows through your hair, the sun's heat warming your whole body. You feel relaxed and calm, and out of the blue you get this sinking feeling that you might step on dog shit, get hit by a truck, or get your foot run over by a bike, or fall in a man-hole.

I definitely had that damned gut-feeling when I told Ven to play Minecraft with me after breakfast. Luckily for us it was summer vacation, so we can wake up anytime we want and go wherever we want and do whatever we want. But I just shook off whatever it was that I felt. Maybe I'm just jumpy because I'm a newbie at Minecraft. Way to go, me! Challenging Ven who's been a Minecraft player since two years ago. Such a SMART move. Haha, funny. -_-

Good grief, where could that freakin' boy be!? He's been in my room for more than 30 minutes now!

"Hey dork! Get down here right now! Stop rummaging through my things!," I yelled at him from downstairs. Then I heard a door close followed by very slow footsteps. I walked towards the stairs, and was surprised/horrified with what I saw.

Ven was wearing one of my shirts with a big heart on it, my very short denim shorts, and my fab pink shades (which I don't wear because it's pink and ew I am NEVER seen in anything pink. Kudos to his legs for not being hairy and muscly).

My jaw dropped at the sight of him striking poses like a model at the top of the staircase. What's worse was he blew a fucking kiss for me! What the...? Still lost for words, he interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Oh giddy, am I that beautiful that you got speechless, Katie-pooh?," he asked me in fake girly tone that came from his nose. Eugh.

"I'm never wearing that shirt again," I grumbled. "Just change your clothes already. You're wasting my time."

"You won't even take a picture with me?" he pouted. When I turned my back on him he started mumbling nonesense about me being pissy today and whatever. I never listen to him intently. Half the time, everything that comes out of his mouth is crap.

Finally, he sat beside me on the living room wearing his normal clothes; a gray beanie over his blonde hair, Asking Alexandria band shirt, and black jeans. He was barefoot and so was I.

"Open your Minecraft app now, and connect to the World I'm creating. What should we name it?," he asked.

"Kate's world?"

"Nope, too plain. How about we mash our names together? Katus? Vente?," he suggested.

I thought about it for a while. "How about Fiorus?"

"What? That's... actually great! Wow, you used your brain there for once," he said.

I just grunted in response. "Shut up and just get on with the game."

As usual, he thwacked me in the back of my head. I should sue you for physical abuse if i didn't love you as my bestfriend, you wacko.

"WELCOME TO MINECRAFT," the game displayed in big, 8-bit letters. I pressed play, and joined the remote world "Fiorus".

"Okay, since I'm the server, I'm going to activate my mods and give you a full stack of diamond armor. I'm going to drop it in front of you and you should pick it up. Go to the inventory and wear a piece of everything. Then you'll help me build our fortress and I'll stock supplies on chests. Then we'll switch to survival mode. We'll only use creative mode to build. Got it?," he said.

I nodded my head in understanding, and he ruffled my hair. I swatted his hand away, and started on the game.

After 2 hours...

"Yes! Our fortress is done! Or you can say fortrees since it's on top of the trees. Hahaha!" he laughed.

"Sometimes you're so corny that it takes me minutes just to get your jokes/puns," I said in a flat voice.

"That just means you're too dumb to get it," he snapped.

Oh, he's pissed. Yay!

"Let's switch to survival mode now."

"K, grumpy pants," i replied in cheery voice.

After 30 minutes...

"OHMYGOD WHERE AM I!?," I screamed in frustration.

"Shit K, where did you respawn? I can't find you. The game's world type is set to infinity!," he cried.

"Wait wait wait, it's alright I have a complete set of Armour, 2 diamond swords, and 3 apples. I can do this, I'll find our fortrees," I reassured him by using his corny joke earlier.

"Ugh, why'd you have to be an idiot when it comes to Minecraft," he mumbled beside me.

"Well sorry but I like PS3 games better! Forgive me, oh Great Minecraft Master Ventus!," I bit back sarcastically.

He chose to ignore me and my sarcastic comment. Good.

As I continued to look for our fortress, I noticed something odd about my inventory. Earlier I told Ven that I have complete armour, 2 diamond swords, and 3 apples (since me, being the Smart kid that I was, left the rest if my complete stack of food, armour, and weapons in the chest in the fortress. I know right, so stupid). Not 5 minutes have passed since I told him that. But when I checked my inventory again, I lost 1 apple.

What the fuck? I haven't eaten anything yet.

But then I thought, oh well might be a glitch. Or it was really just 2 apples. My bad.

It was starting to get dark in the overworld, which means more zombies and creepers are about to show up everywhere and I'm nowhere near my fortress. Nevertheless, I trudged my way up some mountain that's overlooking a grassy field. It was high enough for monsters to be unable to see and reach me which calmed me a little. Better be safe than sorry.

Then I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach again. I literally had goosebumps all over my arms and the hairs at the back of my neck stood up. I didn't pay any attention to it, thinking it just might be the air conditioner making me feel cold or whatever. I shook my head vigorously, and Ven raised an eyebrow at me. I simply poked my tongue at him then resumed playing.

As I looked down at my phone's screen, the goosebumps came back and this time it was much harder to act nonchalant about it and shake it off. I decided that it's better for me to wander around than stay in one place until morning comes. I turned around, and came face to face with two glowing orbs. I yelped and let go of my phone, making it fall to the ground beneath my feet.

"What the fuck K? You scared of zombies now?," Ven asked me while picking up my phone.

"There was something behind me!! I turned around and saw two white-- things in my screen!!," I said.

"There's nothing there, okay? It's probably just a glitch or something. Did you drink coffee while I was upstairs? 'cause it's really making you jumpy and nervous about everything. Doesn't help that survival mode is quite scary."

I didn't respond. Instead, I stared at the screen of my phone he was holding. Those things were gone as soon as I saw them. Along with the feeling that something is about to go very, very wrong.

To be continued...

*Yo! So i updated. Did y'all it? I'm gonna update later or tomorrow, so stay tuned. :) i know, three chapters and yet cliffhangers are all the same. I'm getting there :) and I'm still new at writing here, and i want it to be (quite) perfect or whatever. Like? Vote? Comment? Anything. Bash me if you like, don't care. Lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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