The Beginning

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(Peril POV)

It had been at least two months sense Clay had asked her to marry him. And ever sense she's been planning, planning and planning, oh and planning. They hadn't really gotten to see each other a lot, Peril had asked Clay to make this a small wedding, Clay had agreed.

Clay had also insisted that Starflight would be his best dragon, Peril was fine with that. It had been a hard choice choosing between Kinkijou and Moon, Peril knew Glory, Sunny and Tsunami  were choices, but she didn't second guess her choosing of Moon as her best dragon.

Moon, Kinkijou, Glory, Sunny, and Tsunami would be on her side of the ocean. And Starflight, Qibli, Kinkijou, Riptide, and Deathbringer would be on Clays side. Clay had asked Winter to come, but Winter had said he had plans with his new partner, Lynx.

Peril and Clay were to be married on a beach, with flowers everywhere, of which Peril couldn't touch, but that was fine, as long has everything else went perfect, it would be fine. Peril had already started to come up with names for there future dragnets, she had considered naming her first born Phoenix, but she still hadn't thought of what she would name the sibs, if she did ever have more then one dragonet, but never mind that. Peril, had been alittle sad seeing as in Peril couldn't wear the usual clothing for traditional skywing weddings, she had only been to one wedding before, it had been a wedding under the force of Queen Scarlet, the newly weds had been wearing the most beautiful necklaces, it almost made her want to change who she was. Peril had thought of this for about a week, but every time she thought of it, the more it grew a possibility.

Peril would be married in a day, and in that small tiny, exciting day, so much were to happen.
(Turtle POV)

Turtle had been trying to make the perfect gift for Clays and Perils-that thing, he had even traveled to both Queen Morhan, and Queen Ruby's palace.
He had, had a few ideas on what to get. But... what if he made it, like an animus tough magic. He had thought of that also.... but, maybe something else would have to do. It was still unbelievable Clay and Peril would get married tomorrow, but it was still believable, Moon had seen it coming for ages in her visions. Turtle just had to give the most perfect gift to Peril, she was his friend, and she deserved something special. So Turtle continued to think.
(Moon POV)

"I have to make this wedding perfect"! Moons been telling herself this ever sense Clay asked Peril to marry her. Moon was still alittle shocked when Peril asked HER to be her bridesmaid.
Moon has been staying up all night to look into the future. She would sometimes come across her own future too.
She called those, a happy accident.
Moon had come across a very disturbing vision, it was an image of a shattered shell, and someone holing it in her arms, crying. Every time Moon would come across it, her body would shiver. Giving off even more worryingly visions, but gleefully there were still positive visions, but her favorite would always come to mind. There would be three young dragonets, playing, possibly just hatched. One had the most gorgeous amber colored wings and body, and her eyes were pure dark blue. The second oldest, she had guest, had orange scales with yellow eyes, she looked more like a skywing if anything. And finally the youngest, had the darkest brown scales possible, he had the most handsome flat snout, and had very light brown eyes as well. They were all playing with trees around them, but, the vision would turn dark, the clouds filled with rain, and two dragons shadows went over the amber colored dragonet. She was put into some sort of, fabric made bag. The dragonet thrashed and kicked but couldn't get out, then suddenly the intire bag, just burned into flames, leaving the dragonet to fall. The dragonet fell, spreading out her wings, but thumped to the ground, she looked around, surprised at what had happened. She squeaked, possibly hoping to find her siblings, two other squeaks arose, from two other hand made fabric bags. The two dragons took off, taking the amber colored dragonets siblings away. The amber colored dragon, cried out, but no was around to hear her. Then the intire vision just went dark. Moon would wait for hours to come, to see if anything else happened, but nothing ever did.
"Just forget about it, it probably means nothing" Moon would always tell herself this.
"It's nothing", she repeated.
(Winter POV)

Winter had to amit, he was alittle disappointed he couldn't go to Peril's wedding, but he had other things to worry about, like his new partner, Lynx. They had been kicked out of the ice kingdom. Queen Snowfall had said she didn't want there possibly future walrus tusked dragonets around causing mischief, so she band them. Lynx had begged her to let them stay, she had pleaded that she wanted her future dragonets to live here. But, Snowfall had just shaked her head and had, had her guards escort Lynx out.  So Winter had suggested they would live on the edge of the border. Snowfall had agreed, so Winter and Lynx had moved right away. Lynx had been decorating the nursery, when Winter had come in.
"Ummm, what are you doing". Winter came up to Lynx, watching her set out some sort of ice toys.
"Just, setting up the nursery", Winter raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, I just thought, we could have some eggs"?
Winter stopped dead,
"Well, yeah, but just one-right"?
Lynx froze,
"Well, no, maybe like-two or three"
Winter smiled.
"Two, and that's my finale offer".
Lynx giggled,
"Very well then, Prince Winter"
Winter smirked, kissing her on the cheek.
She giggled,
"You know I'm not a prince any more, right".
Lynx narrowed her eyes
"Well, your a prince to me, and possibly to our future dragonets", Winter smiled, as Lynx kissed him.
"I love you" she said
Winter picked her up, twirling her in the air.
"Really, is that why you marryed me"
She smirked,
Winter put her down, touching his snout with hers.
"I guess, I love you too"
Lynx smiled
"Oh really, I was worried about that"
Winter stuck his tung out,
(Kinkijou POV)

Kinkijou set out the flowers, Peril had insisted that she put out the most brownest, redest, non-deadest flowers in the jungle, she had said something about trying to make it look like a realistic skywing wedding or something. Kinkijou set out the firefly flowers making sure the vines didn't touch the violets,  Kinkijou screamed, she was being thrown into the air. Kinkijou looked back, seeing it was Turtle.
Kinkijou narrowed her eyes,
"Turtle, put me down this instant"
Turtle smirked.
"And what do you say"?
Kinkijou frowned, well still managing to smile,
"Turtle" Kinkijou looked into his eyes, Turtle looked into her's.
He smiled,
"No" Kinkijou giggled smaking Turtle on his snout.
"Well then, if you won't put me down, then I'll put myself down"!
Turtle froze,
"And how would you do that",
Kinkijou smiled.
"Funny you should ask",
Kinkijou grabbed Turtle, kissing him, Turtle eased his grip, Kinkijou fell to the ground.
"Owww" Turtle laughed,
Kinkijou giggled. She then got up and started to put out the orchids, Turtle smirked grabbing her agian, Kinkijou yelped.
"Turtle... put me down".
Turtle giggled.
"What's the magic word".
Kinkijou sighed,
Turtle nodded letting Kinkijou down, she kissed him,
"And thank you", she smiled.
(Qibli POV$

Qibli smiled as he walked up to Moon, hugging her as hard as he could. She smiled,
"What happened with Queen Thorn".
Qibli thought for a moment,
"Well it was going great, until she started to talk about of how I don't listen to her, or something I wasn't listioning".
Moon froze,
"I'm kidding, it went great"
Moon luaghed, narrowed her eyes.
"Don't ever joke about that, agian", Qibli smirked,
"Okay, your the Queen", Moon rolled her eyes. The chirch bells rang, Moon smiled.
"Come on" She grabbed Qibli running out into the rather small crowd, he some how managed to get next to Moon as they walked across the aisle.
(Clay POV)

It's was perfect, everyone was there, well besides, Winter, and Fatespeaker. Clay had noticed every little detail, he wanted to remember everything about this day. Peril walked in, with an orchid crown on top, Turtle had given this to her. He had guest Turtle had used his powers to make it fire proof. But Clay didn't really care for the orchid crown, he just cared for the one wearing it, she was beautiful, simply magnificent.  Now all it came down too was one word, and one word only.
"I do".
Hi guys, sorry the article was getting alittle too long, so I didn't have time to do Sunnyflight, Glorybringer, or Ripnami. Sorry, but I promise the next one will be excellent.

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