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(Amber POV)

Amber hopped into the prey center, she smelled the fresh roasted beef, then happily twitched her ears, humming her favorite song.

She slowly made her way towards the food buffet, she grabbed some meat, and an apple, carrying them towards a table. Holding the apple in her mouth, she placed the meat down, and took a bite out of the apple, allowing the juice to run down her chin.

She grabbed a scroll from a tightened holder under her wing, writing down her thoughts, some dragons called it a diary, but she perfered a feelings holder, or at least that's what her therapist called it. She wrote down what she needed to, and snuck it into the secret apartment under her wing, agian.

She sighed, continuing to hum, placing her meat between her talons and sliced them in half, she took one of the half's and ate it hole, the second she placed down neatly, and grabbed another scroll hidden under her other wing, then she took out some ink, and started to draw, after she was done she rolled it up, placed it down on the table, and devoured the other half of meat. She then got up, grabbed the scroll holding the drawing, and walked off into the hall way. She took a breath, and started to walk into the library.
(Leopard POV)

Leopard wrote down the final answer to the math question. She sighed, placing her hand under her chin, resting it there for a moment.
Leopard heard a loud shatter coming from the other side of the book shelf.

"Leopard, you there?!" Amber popped out of the book shelf's side, Leopard luaghed,

"Hi, I swear I just saw you like 5m ago." Leopard raised her eyebrow, Amber shrugged, making her way to the table.

"Maybe." Amber answered, sitting next to Leopard, she grabbed a scroll from under her wing, taking it out, and started to scribble onto it.

Leopard continued to rest her chin. She slowly got up, grabbed her scroll, and put it back in her bag.

"Don't you have homework to do?" Leopard said, well standing over Amber.

"No, I got it all done yesterday." Amber grinned, Amber rolled up her scroll and put it back under her wing,

"Besides it's the weekend, and I intend to learn nothing." She said well pouncing up, and walking towards the exit, Leopard followed.

"Where are you going?" Asked Leopard, Amber looked at her,

"It's saterday." Amber answered, she sighed.
"Right." Leopard said.

"Do you need help, for this training session?" Leopard asked well stroking her wing against Amber's,

"No, it's fine, its just, I don't think it's ever coming back." Amber said, she looked down at her talons,

"I think my firescales are gone." Amber admitted, Leopard winced,

"So she finally figured it out." Leopard thought, she knew this already, it seemed that way, ever sense Amber came back to Jade Moutian, she couldn't use her fire scales, at first it got weaker and weaker, but it's gone now.

"Hey it's okay." Leopard said well hugging Amber with her wing,

"You don't need your fire scales." Leopard said, Amber smiled sweetly,
"Yeah, I guess your right." Amber said, she started to walk agian, Leopard continued walking as well, as they went pass a corner they were silent, thinking. Eventually Amber spoke up, breaking the puase.

"How about you, what are you up to, beside's boring homework." Amber luaghed,

"Oh plenty of things, like boring homework." Leopard giggled, Amber smirked.

They stopped, reaching the exit to the school, Amber opened the door, and started to skip outside onto the grass, Leopard sighed, and followed.

"Amber, its bound to get awfully crowded out here, soon." Leopard said, Amber shrugged.

"Where were going no dragon in Pyrrhia will find us." She yelped, before jumping into the air, and flapping her wings. Leopard luaghed, and glided up, by her side.

"What do you mean?" Leopard asked, Amber smiled.

"You'll see!"
(Spark POV)

Spark wobbled back to the prey center, she growled.

"Stupid, hybrid." She mumbled, it had been a month sense she was burned, it hurt, but nothing she couldn't handle.

She walked up, continuing to go to the prey center. There she would get the information she needed to get rid of the perden of Jade Moutian.

Spark smiled, keeping her head high, everyone knew who she was, and everyone was scared, preferably towards her of course. She made her way to a table of three skywing's.

"Good Mourning." Spark said, sitting down. One of them bowed, Spark smirked.

"Yes, good mourning, princess Spark." The one who bowed kept low. Spark grinned,

"Yes, yes, now let's focus on the information, shall we." Spark took out a scroll, it held names of every dragon in Jade Moutian, she pointed to the hybrids name.

"What do you know of this dragon." She asked, the three skywing's, smiled.

"She's said to have lost her fire scales, or atleast the gossip of this did." One female answered, Spark nodded,

"Very well, thank you." The three bowed, and walked off.

Spark thought for a moment,

"How astounding." She said to herself. Allowing her thoughts to rush over her.

"If she's lost her fire scales, and she has no fire, what can she do to protect herself?... She's defensiveles." Spark grinned. She couldn't hurt her, she couldn't help her, but she could find a way, some clever way, to get into her thoughts. For now, the hybrid was safe, she would never hurt the hybrid of course, she didn't need blood on her shoulders, if she were to be Queen one day, she needed to have a clean past.

"Or else the skywing's will never trust me." She thought, finishing her own senctence. She had heard rummers of Serpent the sandwing-nightwing was trying to find someone important, this dragon was going for something off the map, off the thoughts of every dragon.

"But not mine." She luaghed,

"I'll find this dragon, end whom ever it is, I'll be a hero! This was exactly what I needed." Spark stood up,
"Yes, exactly what I needed."
Spark is a very needed character for this story, I'm glad I finally was able to introduce her, and her story.

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