"Katie Bell"

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The necklace was lying green and glittery on Professor McGonagall's desk and Ivory and I were standing here along with Leanne and Harry. Harry came shortly after Hagrid had arrived

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the three broomsticks, Leanne?" McGonagall asked.

"It's like I said." Leanne spoke. "She went to the loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it."

"Did she say to whom?"

Leanne shook her head in response and McGonagall nodded with a sigh. "All right, Leanne. You may go."

Leanne walked out of the office and McGonagall turned to us three. "Why is it always you Harry and always with at least one of your friends?"

"Believe me professor. I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Harry said. "But this time it was mostly Sahara and Ivory who experienced the whole thing. They explained everything to me when I got there."

As Harry finished talking, Professor Snape appeared in the door, looking at us before moving his eyes to Professor McGonagall.

"Severus." she greeted.

"Is this is?" he asked, approaching the necklace. McGonagall nodded and Snape used his wand to lift the necklace into the air so he could look at it without touching it.

"What do you think?" McGonagall asked.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive."

"She was cursed, wasn't she?" I asked. "I know Katie. Off the quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was bringing that to someone, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

Snape eyed me as McGonagall spoke. "Yes. She was cursed."

"It was Malfoy." Harry hurried to say, making both Ivory and I snap our heads in his direction. "Draco Malfoy."

"That's a very serious accusation, Potter." Professor McGonagall said as Professor Snape stepped forwards.

"Indeed." he agreed. "Your evidence?"


"You...just...know." Snape copied. "Once again your astonish with your gifts, Potter, gifts mere mortals could only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the chosen one."

"I suggest you return to your dormitories. All of you." McGonagall said and the three of us left. Ivory seemed angry.

"My brother had nothing to do with that." she said, looking at Harry. "You may not like him, Harry but don't go accusing him of something as serious as this."

"I have a feeling, Ivory."

"I couldn't care less of your feeling. Draco might not be the nicest person to be around but he did not put a curse on Katie Bell." Ivory replied and then looked at me. "Please tell me you don't believe that."

"I don't." I assured him. "Draco can be rude and he might seem evil at times but I really don't think he'd ever curse somebody."

A few days later I was having my second tutoring lesson with Draco in the potions classroom in the dungeon. He was looking in a book, reading the instructions as I tried to do them.

"Did you hear what happened to Katie Bell?" I asked, making him look at me from under his eyelashes.

"Katie Bell?"

"Yes. From my house. She's a Gryffindor. She was cursed that day we talked on our way from the three broomsticks."

"How do you know she was cursed?"

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