"He's only unconscious"

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"The snake! We have to kill the snake!" Harry shouted but I was too busy fighting one of the death eaters to focus on the snake.

He was fast and kept shooting spells at me that I kept shielding, making me a bit stressed but when you try to not die, you suddenly gain some more powers and that's what I was experiencing at this very moment.

"Sahara! Look out!" Neville yelled just as I saw someone creep up to cast a spell. I ducked and the spell hit the one that had been attacking me this whole time, killing him. I turned around to the new attacker, throwing a spell at him but he shielded it and then shot one towards me that I also shielded.

"Thanks Neville!" I shouted between shielding myself and attacking the man. Then another person joined in and I now had to shield myself from two people. "This doesn't seem fair? Does it? Two against one."

They both grinned at me, evil showing on their faces and I quickly ran around a corner to get a break. When I looked around the corner, they both attacked and I hid again, letting out a breath.

"Need some help?" Draco asked as he ran over and I gave him a small nod as we both jumped out in front of the guys, attacking them and shielding ourselves.

"You're a traitor, Malfoy." One of them said.

"You're a death eater." The other one said. "You have the dark mark. No matter what that's something you can't run from."

"I can try." Draco said as Ivory came up from the back of the two death eaters, killing them with one spell.

I let out a breath I had been holding, closing my eyes for a minute.

"Thank you, Ivory." I said and I felt Draco take my face in his, looking at me.

"Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes, looking at him and smiled lightly. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired."

"So am I." He whispered. "But we've got to finish this."

"I totally adore this little romantic moment but we have to get going!" Ivory interrupted before we all ran into the great hall.

Bellatrix was about to attack Ginny when Molly stepped in, pointing her wand.

"Not my daughter, you bitch!" She yelled.

"Come on, granny, give us your best." Bellatrix laughed and Molly fired a whole lot of spells, causing Bellatrix's smile to fade but fired back at Molly and she successfully avoided it.

George, Bill and Arthur came to Molly's rescue but she stepped in front of them with a pretty scary smile on her face. "Back off, boys! She's mine."

Molly glared at Bellatrix who had her smile of amusement on again.

"You will never touch my children again!" Molly yelled, shooting a curse towards Bellatrix who shielded herself.

"Be thankful we only took one." Bellatrix said and then glanced at George. "It's not like you don't have a spare."

As she laughed, Molly shot another curse towards her which hit her and made her freeze before she exploded into a million black pieces, disappearing into thin air.

Bellatrix was dead. Finally. Molly turned and saw me, sending a smile and I smiled back, nodding at her.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I heard Draco growl before he shot a curse next to me. I looked at him and then saw his own father on the floor.

"Draco." I gasped. "Did you—"

"He's only unconscious." He told me. "But if he ever tries to curse you again, he's going to be dead."

I looked around the room, seeing everyone fight death eaters. Everything was so crazy to watch. I had never expected this to be happening at Hogwarts.

Then I saw my brother Emory run into the great hall, shooting a spell at a death eater that was about to kill Hermione.

I smiled at the thought of my brother being here and helping with the fight. I hadn't seen him earlier but he must've been there when Draco stood up to his parents 'cause otherwise he would've killed Draco for standing next to me.

"Where's Ivory?" I asked Draco, looking around as I couldn't see her.

"I don't know." He breathed. "But if we stay here for too long, we'll die."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back out and down the marble staircase, then outside where Harry had rolled out of Hagrid's arms.

Harry and Voldemort were standing face to face and Ron and Hermione came running past us with Nagini following them.

I pointed the wand at the snake at the same time as Draco. Harry turned to Ron and Hermione as the snake raised up, ready to strike. Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and Voldemort grabbed the elder wand, making me turn and point my wand at him instead.

Voldemort flicked his wand at me and I waited to get killed but instead it hit Draco and I noticed when he flew across the air, landing on the ground, a gasp leaving his lungs.

"Draco!" I screamed, throwing the wand before running over to him. He was staring up at the sky, having a hard time catching his breath. "Hey, it's okay. It's fine. You're okay."

I ran my hand up his chest to his neck, looking at his face. He wasn't dead which meant Voldemort hadn't used the unforgivable curse on him. He had just thrown him across the air so he was going to be okay.

I looked up as I saw Neville cut the snake in half, using the sword of Gryffindor, just in time before the snake had attacked Ron and Hermione.

Voldemort let out a scream of pain and turned to fire agains Harry but as he used the killing curse, Harry used 'Expelliarmus', making the elder wand fly to his own hand and the killing curse shot at Voldemort.

What the...

I watched as Voldemort dropped to his knees, his eyes on Harry as his body started dissolving into the air.

Soon he was gone and everything was over. I looked back down at Draco. His eyes were closed but he was still breathing.

"It's over." I whispered to him. "It's all over."

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