"We can't go together"

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"You look awfully tired." Ginny told me the next morning when I sat down at the Gryffindor table. "You've slept in."

"I know. I was escorted to Snape's office by two death eaters when they noticed I was late for breakfast. He threatened me with Voldemort."

"Are you okay?" She asked. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"No." I shook my head. "I explained that I hadn't been able to sleep all night."

"You're having trouble sleeping? What's wrong."

"Nothing." I shrugged. "I can't say it here anyway. I'm scared someone will hear."

"Hear what?" Neville asked and sat next to Ginny, looking at me.

"Nothing." I lied. "Can you pass me the bread? I'm starving."

Neville handed me the basket with breads and I grabbed one, ripping some of it off to eat it like that. I wasn't planning on having an entire meal since my stomach felt full. It was probably because of the anxious feeling after seeing Draco yesterday.

I know about death eaters and I know how they escape but I had never seen it with my own eyes and it was odd to see Draco turn into a dark matter and flying out through the window.

"I'll tell you later." I said, looking at Neville and Ginny. "Can you meet me after dinner tonight in the library? Ask Pomona to come."

After finishing my bread, I got up and left the great hall along with other students who had finished breakfast. I went to grab my books before I made my way to History of Magic in Class seventy-two.

That's one of the things in the castle that hadn't changed. Professor Binns is still teaching here. He's a ghost so they can't exactly ask him to leave. He doesn't even know he's a ghost. It's said that he passed away a lot time ago when sleeping over his desk and suddenly he just woke up and got back to teaching without questioning anything. He's been teaching history of magic for a very long time and it's one of my favorite classes right now because it reminds me of before Voldemort controlled it all.

Last night after Draco came to see me, I had muggle studies and I found out that we had a new teacher. Professor Carrow. She's one of the death eaters and throughout class she tried to teach us that muggle borns are filthy and shouldn't be allowed to use magic. I of course didn't fall for it.

I wanted to have asked Ginny and Neville to meet me in the astronomy tower with Pomona but I chose the library since I wouldn't be able to go up to the astronomy tower after I witnessed Dumbledore's death.

When dinner time arrived, I ate with Ginny and Neville at our table in the great hall. It was sad. This year everyone weren't as cheery and happy as usual. A few people were talking to each other but other than that it was pretty quiet.

"We can't go together." I whispered to Ginny and Neville. "It'll only look suspicious. Neville, you go up to the common room when we've eaten. Stay there for about five minutes and then head down to the library."

"Got it." Neville nodded at me, filling his mouth with food.

"Good." I said. "Ginny, you go to the bathroom and stay there for a couple of minutes before you go to the library as well."


"Did you tell Pomona?" I asked and they both nodded again. "Good. I'm guessing she'll head straight for the library then."

After we finished eating, Neville and Ginny left first and then I did. I walked straight down the hallways to the library and entered. It was empty so I just walked over and sat by a table, waiting for Neville, Ginny and Pomona to get here.

Shortly after, Pomona did, sending me a small smile as she sat across from me.

"You look tired." She said. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Just haven't been sleeping well last night." I said. "I hope Neville and Ginny gets here soon. I need to tell you guys something."

As I spoke, Ginny entered the library and sat down next to Pomona.

"Does it have something to do with my brother?" She asked. "Have you had any contact with them?"

"No." I shook my head. "It's about Draco."

Ginny opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Neville who sat next to me.

"Alright." I breathed. "I need to tell you guys this because I can't walk around with it on my own. I've been doing that with a lot of these last year and it was killing me."

"Spit it out." Ginny said.

"Draco was here yesterday." I said. "Over there."

I pointed at the spot where we stood and they all looked but didn't say anything.

"He said he wanted to see me and see how I was doing." I said. "And then he just disappeared into thin air. Dark matter. I want to help him but I don't know how when the castle is surrounded by death eaters."

"Let Harry, Ron and Hermione do it." Ginny said. "They're strong. They'll kill him."

"I don't have time to sit around and wait." I said. "I need to kill Voldemort so Draco and Ivory can get out."

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