Chapter 19

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I woke up around six in the evening, feeling miserable both physically and emotionally. My head was pounding and I was nauseous. My back hurt like crazy and I felt like someone had pummeled me into the ground. It was probably the stress from yesterday, not to mention my period was probably coming early. I made a mental note to stop at the store later. 

In the back of my head, a worry niggled. There was a chance... it wasn't like I kept condoms around anymore, I hadn't needed them in a long time. Loki was basically a sorcerer anyway, he would've... done something about it. He would've said something otherwise. 

"Stupid." I muttered. Loki wasn't human, it wasn't possible. No need to worry.

I wandered around the house, trying to at least appear that I was busy. Mom had called earlier but I didn't feel like talking to her. I made a light dinner though I wasn't hungry. Loki had moved from the bed to the couch. I set a plate in front of him and went to my room, pulling out my laptop. I did some research for my book for a few hours, grabbed some popcorn around eight, and went back to work. I stopped some time later and went to the living room.

Loki was sitting cross-legged on the couch, staring out the window. "It's going to storm tonight." I murmured. He nodded, his back stiff. I sighed and sat next to him. He must be afraid again. Maybe he'd had contact from Asgard? Was Thor coming? He'd told me that storms usually accompanied him. Maybe that was it. "Loki, please talk to me. What's going on?" He looked at me, his eyes guarded. The look faded, hidden away as he smiled at me.

"Nothing." He sighed and relaxed. "I'm sorry; I've been lost in my own little world. What do you want to do?"

"I want you to eat. And then think about what's going on and tell me the truth." I got up and left the room, frustrated. He was being nice. Something was wrong and he was being nice. Loki was childish, spoiled. He was playful and a little brooding sometimes. If something was wrong, he shouldn't hesitate to express it. He'd sulk and whine and order me around. He wouldn't smile at me and ask what I wanted to do. I resisted the urge to kick the wall and fell to pacing instead.

I don't know how long I did that but I soon felt a pair of cold arms pulling me to a stop. I looked up as Loki pulled me closer. He sighed and looked down at me, concerned. "What?" He asked.

"Stop it." I growled.


I struggled from his grasp and stood in front of him, clenching my hands into fists. "You're being weird!"

"How so?"

"You're childish and playful and brooding. You whine when something is wrong. Instead, you're being nice. I don't like it! Order me to do something. Make a lewd comment, make me blush. Tackle me and tickle me or scare me half to death."

He raised his brows. "You want me to bother you? To argue with you?"

"I want to know why you're not yourself and what you're hiding! Dammit, I hate it when you lie to me, Loki! Just tell me what's going on."

I stopped, breathing heavily and trying to stop myself from crying childishly. I looked up to see him standing up straight, his hands behind his back. His head was tilted to the side and he was staring at me. His hand came up to cradle my cheek.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, the callous glint in his eyes fading. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me." He shrugged and raised his hands in a confused manner. They slapped against his thighs as he sighed again. "I need some air. I'll be back soon and then we will... Discuss this. Alright?"

I nodded and he left. I wandered to the kitchen and washed the dishes, absently deciding to clean while I waited for him. I needed something to focus on in the meantime. When I finished, I looked at the clock to find it was well past ten. Sighing, I looked out for Loki. I was exhausted and I just couldn't wait up for him. We could talk in the morning. Massaging my temples, I headed for bed.


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