Chapter 28

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Ebony's POV

Fury wasn't keen on keeping me around and letting me in and out of Loki's cell. He let me in twice more, to get what I could out of him. And then he pulled me out. But it had confirmed my theory - sort of - and something else. Loki wanted to be here. Something was going to happen and since it was next to impossible to safely interrogate him without a proper facility, we were stuck waiting for now. We were dealing with too many variables, making a move wasn't in our best interests yet.

I wandered through the ship while I waited for orders from Fury. Eventually I found a familiar face. Agent Coulson had been friendly from the start and while he was often busy, he usually had at least a moment to talk. I called after him and hurried to catch up. "Hi." I said as we walked down the hall.

"How are you holding up?"

I shrugged. "It's just a lot to take in." He nodded. "Do you um... Know where my sister is?"

"With Stark and Banner."

"Flirting with Tony, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. Tony was exactly the womanizer I had expected but he seemed like a brother to me. It was easy to like him as long as I didn't take him seriously.

"With Banner, actually. Come on, I need their status report anyway. I'll walk you over." He turned a corner and led me farther down. I heard laughing as we approached a door. Coulson let me in. I thanked him and went to stand by Liv.

"What, Reindeer Games get boring?" Tony smirked.

I smiled. "Fury pulled me out for now. What's goin' on?"

"Research. Espionage. The works." I nodded and looked around, noticing Marci going through her phone. I leaned over and saw pictures of Captain America when he wasn't looking.

"Really, Marci?"

She grinned. "He's got a sexy ass. And Kat claimed Thor."

"Who might I add is spoken for." Tony said loudly. I was about to ask if he should be working instead of fooling around with my friends but I saw his eyes focused on three separate computers.

Kat shrugged. "I can seduce him." She raised her brows suggestively and then laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked at Liv.

"Tell me you've been a little better behaved." She smiled and tilted her head, not really looking at anyone. I looked at Bruce and then back at her, wondering if Coulson had been serious. She shrugged, her eyes saying she thought him interesting at least. I smiled and went over to him, looking at the screen. "I won't understand if you explain it to me, would I?"

"We're searching for the trace of gamma radiation that the cube gives off. There's interference but we'll find it. Thor was right. This gem in Loki's staff isn't part of the Tesseract but it's very similar in it's makeup." He moved something on the screen and then wrote some notes.

"Mmkay well sounds fun. Have you gotten any tests off Loki? Maybe you can see if it's the tesseract or the gem in the staff that's being used on him."

"I suspect it's the staff. The tesseract doesn't have any capabilities beyond energy manipulation and portal construction. And Natasha tells me that the footage of Loki taking over Agent Barton is very similar to what it looks like when Loki goes through that change."

"So my theory is becoming less crazy?"

He smiled briefly. "It's becoming closer to fact. But there's a ways to go."

I left him to his work and stole some blueberries from Tony. He leaned against a table to look at me.

"So...when did this whole love thing start? And what's goin' on with the baby Reindeer? Can we call him Rudolph?"

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