Chapter 3

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And one more before the end ;)

Now its about 6 months that I live here in LaPush. And I'm pregnant with my Paul...

It all seem like a really realistic dream. I have Jared by my side and my other family which is pack. Wolfs are very protective of me and our pup. But its not a dream... It is my new life...

Today pack has meeting so I am in Emily kitchen with imprints and we cook for our wolfs.

"Bell are you sure you're OK?" Em asked me this like 10 times in hour..

"Maybe you should sit or even lay down.. " And with it I had enough.

"Can wolfs come in here?!" I yelled just because I can. They came in the kitchen "OK.. Listen me all of you and listen good.. I'm not sick only pregnant so if I hear something like ' maybe you should do this or this' or any different thing that will piss me of, I'm moving in with Angela in Forks so it is up to you guys. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Bell!" they all said.

"OK so now wolfs go and play nice in the garden or something.. In the meantime we, imprints, will finish dinner and no Leah you can't stay in kitchen. This applies to all the wolves. Or you do not get dessert .. And today for dessert are your favorite chocolate cakes"

They were gone before I could turn around. In two hours everything was done so Em called rest of the pack in dinning room.

"Wow Bells.. It's about damn time" Jake was trying to get my and only mine chicken legs so I took a spatula and hit him hard in the arm "ow.. Bell what was that for?!"

"Never try to take MY chicken legs again!"

"But you hate them.."

"Now I want them! "


"She's pregnant Jake for Taha Aki's sake.." Paul interrupted him " Its normal for her to whims things normally she or even anyone would eat.. Oww! Baby why did you hit me?" My poor Wolfe boy was confused.

"You know you should not say anything besides that I'm pregnant" I scolded him.

"Sorry babe.." he said and kissed my cheek.

It's one of these times that I'm glad I'm pregnant.


So it's one more to go  :D

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