Everyone's Involved

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Chapter 6
That next week

Nisha's POV:

I rubbed my temples as the sun caught my face burning my eyes giving me a massive headache. I was just finishing 10 laps around the track and was totally beat! My nose dripped with sweat as I collapsed onto the grass. I pulled out my phone to check the time which was now 3:19, I've been at this track since 12:00. I checked my notifications to see that I had ten missed calls. Four from my mom, one from Rae and the rest was my ex girlfriend Leia. I called Rae back first she immediately asked where I was and I told her the track then she hung up. I looked at my phone shocked that the conversation was over but shook my head as I realized who I was on the phone with. Though we've been friends for a while I don't really see how we became friends to begin with. Rae is girly, self-centered, and thinks she's finer than every girl, plus she cheers. Don't get me wrong she's fine but I've seen tons of fine girls in my life. I finally summoned the strength to stand up and start packing my things. In the process of heading towards my car I noticed Rae's green BMW turn the corner. 'Ughhhh this chick' I thought to myself. I really didn't mind chilling with Rae, but, most times she talks too much. Not knowing what was about to happen I sighed as I walked towards her car preparing for whatever was about to happen.

Rae's POV:

I really didn't want to talk to Nisha about this but I needed to. I needed her advice right now. Nisha's annoying but if it's one thing I learned about her she always knows just what to say. I sat in my car waiting on her to cross the parking lot. As she got closer my head ached at the thought of telling her about my feelings. I sighed and shook my head placing my hands over my face. Nisha tapped on my window making me shoot up. I scrunched up my face and pointed towards the passenger seat. I could tell she was annoyed and confused about why I was here. I had to come because the sooner I admit the better I'd feel. She got in the car and slung her duffel bag over the seat then looked at me with an irritated face. I sighed and put my car in park as I wondered where to begin. I thought for five minutes battling with my mind on what to say. I finally gave up and spat it out, 'I like Mel...I don't know how to tell her...and I don't know what to do'. She looked calm and collected as if she was waiting for a punchline and after a brief silence she burst into laughter. She was laughing for a good thirty minutes now slapping her thighs like I had cracked the worlds best joke. I just sat and looked at her before finally asking 'Are you done?' With the most annoyed face I could pull off. Nisha stopped fixed her face and got serious. We talked for at least an hour and she gave me some pretty good advice.

Mel's POV:

I haven't talked to Rae or Nisha all day. Should I call Rae to chill so I can talk to her? Or should I call Nisha to vent? Or both? Forget it! I'll just text Nisha, I really should get some advice. My mind is having a gymnastics session and I'm going insane!

(Text Conversation)

Me: Aye
Me: Wyd?
At the track why wassup?
Me: Nm I just need to talk to you about something...
Aight I'll be over there in 30... sounds cool?
Me: yea sounds good
Aight. Ttyl.
I sighed, well that's done. I stood up and paced the floor as I thought about Rae. Her body, her lips, her amazing smile, she's so beautiful! I can't imagine how it would be if we started dating. I've been trying to get with Rae since... well forever. Why'd she choose this summer to finally start noticing me? Or am I overthinking this all? Maybe it's nothing, maybe I'm reading all the wrong signs. My mind was wondering to places it had never been now. I grabbed a towel and went to take a swim to calm myself before Nisha got here.

Rae's POV:

Nisha had given me tons of helpful advice so I headed back home to call it a day. I started to think about what Nisha said today as it replayed over and over in my mind. "You'll never forgive yourself if you don't tell her, how else are you going to feel free?" She said after laughing her ass off. I just looked at her and rolled my eyes. 'What if she doesn't have feelings for me like she used to because I kept turning her down?' I said sadly. Nisha looked out the window then back at me and gave me a simple answer "You'll never know if you don't ask, and you'll never find out if you don't try.." She stated. I pulled into my driveway, entered my house and headed to my bathroom to shower and lay down for the rest of the day.

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