A Lazy Summer Day

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Chapter 5

Mel's POV:

Rae was pulling me by my waist closer to her as my lips went back and forth from her neck to lips. It got hot as we grew intense halfway swallowing each others face. She kept pulling me into her more and more as we kissed. I gripped her waist with one hand and just as soon as I reached to lift her thigh with the other she pushed me against the door. I threw my hands up moaning in excitement and pain as the doorknob hit my back causing me to feel it in my spine. The pain shifted from my back now to the right side of my shoulder causing me to shoot up in bed. I looked to my left as my phone vibrated.

"Wassup", Nisha said from the other end of the line.
'Just waking up... any plans for tonight?'
"Nah... I was gonna ask you the same question."
'I guess we can just chill then' I suggested.
"Sounds cool. My place or yours?"
'Doesn't really matter'
"All good. I'll there in a lil bit... I'll let Rae know too. Catch you later."
My heart fluttered at the sound of her name and I quickly jumped up to prepare.


'Oh my God! Really?!' I screamed as we all talked and laughed aloud. We switched the subject every so often finding a new conversation. It started with our favorite music switching to food, basketball teams, football teams, and now our favorite qualities in a person. As Rae spoke she glanced at me as she started to describe her ideal girlfriend.
"Smart, funny, unique, caring, outgoing, patient, and not self centered... Oh! And good in bed!", she ended that one with a smirk slightly at me. "What about you Mel?"
I stood up and paced the floor thinking of something to say. 'Um.. My ideal girlfriend would be loyal and someone special to me' I said shrugging not sure where I was going with this. Picturing Rae in my head I smiled and looked at my friends while taking a seat again, looking at the ceiling afterwards. 'She's... Unimaginable...' I said before letting out a long sigh images of Rae flooding my thoughts.
"Mel!" Nisha was snapping her fingers in my face.
'Oh sorry' was all I could say
"That speech didn't have anything to do with the text you sent me the other night about that Paris girl did it" she asked.
'Hell No!' I sharply said while laughing hysterically.
"Well you gonna tell us what happened or nah cuz you never told me yet?" She said as she grabbed a fruit roll up.
Dang! I really wish she hadn't brought this up in front of Rae!
I inhaled and began my story of the whole encounter with Paris and what took place that night. It took at least thirty minutes to tell the whole story starting from the tall lady from the supermarket. After I was finished Nisha was shaking her head at me in disbelief that I hadn't taken my shot at Paris. Rae, on the other hand, let out a soft laugh but had an expression on her face that was quite sad and worried like. I just pretended not to see her as I playfully shoved Nisha grinning as I showed her text threads between Paris and I.

Rae's POV:

I was shocked at Mel's story. Honestly, I didn't know she would do something like that but, I liked it. It made me warm inside that she had the guts to stop mid-action to dismiss herself when she clearly had the chance. I wanted to kiss her right then and there. I bit my tongue at the urge. I've been wanting to tell her how I felt since she'd gotten back. It was something different about mel this summer that had me all of a sudden hooked on her. I felt something had changed seeing that she was much more confident made it even worse to control. I randomly gazed at her occasionally now with thoughts I never imagined, like how she looked topless, or even how her lips felt on my body. As i remebered the morning in her bed I started raging inside because I never liked stems, I've always had a thing for studs. How's this possible? What did she do to me? What am I doing? What's wrong with me?! I asked myself as I tried to figure out the emotions that were taking control of my mind. I gave up. I couldn't deny that I had feelings for her and I don't plan to for long, I just needed the right time...

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