Previously on Escape the Night...
The remaining guests encountered a beast with a clown as its owner. The clowns name was Lucy and she put a mind controlling collar on Felix and he had to go chase the guests. He captured Ryan and Lauren and they got a vote against themselves. In the end Lucy had them all vote and Lauren and Felix were chosen to battle it off. It was a close call between them finding the box with the suprise in it and just boxes of plain hay. Buts on enough Lauren found the box with the note and a gun. She either had to kill herself or kill Felix. She shoot Felix multiple times as they cleansed the artifact. The 4 remaining guests started to exit the clown tent until they heard footsteps from the outside...(Intro plays and shows cards)
Escape The Night Roleplay Season 3 (Closed)
AcciónA mysterious force invites 10 guests to a carnival to save it. But it doesn't look like it needs saving until the Clowns start killing everyone else. Sign up to be a force against the evil of the carnival, will you Escape The Night?