Chapter 2

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      The Jones' had gotten to their destination earlier than planned as they didn't plan on leaving Wednesday and arriving Thursday. Layla didn't start work until Tuesday and Delilah just didn't want to go to school Monday (I mean can you really blame her? It's school). So the small family decided it would be okay for her to skip and just start Tuesday and use Monday as a girls day.
When they got there Wednesday evening, all they did was rest. Around Thursday midday, they got up and tried to find a suitable doctor to go to and got their injuries taken care of. Of course they raised some questions, but much to their relief, none of the doctors pushed.
On Friday once they were finally well rested, they began unpacking. Until Layla could finally start bringing home some money, they slept on the cheap air mattresses they've been using for years. Once unpacking was finish-which really didn't take long considering they didn't have much-they went grocery shopping. The family didn't have an abundant amount of money, but enough to buy a few things for a weeks worth of cheap food.
Once Monday came along, the two just relaxed and had a spa day.
Currently it was 8 p.m that Monday and Delilah was getting her outfit together before she does her nightly routine and go to bed. She is well aware that kids her age normally go to bed much later than this , but she couldn't care less. She knew she would get cranky without proper rest and she didn't want to make any bad impressions despite not liking the people already even though she hasn't met them. Is it obvious she doesn't like people yet?
She also planned to find the nearest library and she didn't want exhaustion messing up her plans. The young girl loved books. She loved how they could practically teleport you into other worlds and see through the eyes of others. Plus they don't have mouths or feelings or a conscience so that was a huge plus.
Before she could plan out her outfit any longer, her mom called her into the kitchen. She walked in and sat on the chair that was at the table.
"So you ready for the first day of 7th grade?"
   Delilah sighed before replying, "I mean, I wish I had Miles here but I still have you so that's always good."
   Layla smiled at her daughter fondly. While most kids her age would be starting their rebellion phase, Delilah enjoyed spending time with her mother and Layla really enjoyed that. Besides Miles of course, she was her best friend. They did everything together and there was barely a moment they were apart.
    "Alright well I know you were about to do your nightly routine, so I'll let you continue. I was about to go ahead to bed," Layla said as she got up from her seat. She pressed a kiss to Lilah's forehead and continued to her room. "Goodnight. Love you baby."
   "Night Ma. Love you too."
The twelve-year-old awoke to the torturous sounds of her alarm clock the next morning. Searching for the snooze button, she moved her hand around wildly before silence finally came. Before she could shut her eyes again, her mom came through the door.
"Come on! Up, up, up! You have to get ready."
    Groans were the response Layla received. She rolled her eyes and crouched down next to her daughter and proceeded the process of waking her up.
     "Come on. New day, new school, new area. You gots to get up."
     "I gots to?"
     "You gots to."
     Delilah sighed and pulled the covers out causing the cold air to wash over her like a wave as well as goosebumps. She heaved herself up and off the air mattress that she slept on.
Walking down the hall, she scratched her head and rubbed her eyes simultaneously while becoming more aware of her surroundings.
She plopped down in the seat at the kitchen table and let her head drop.
Layla furrowed her eyebrows at the noise and looked back. She chuckled fondly at her daughter and went back to getting breakfast together.
"Thanks ma," Delilah said with a sigh. She started eating the toast and eggs her mom made while fighting to keep her eyes open.
She was always like this in the mornings regardless of the amount of sleep she got. 9 hours? Still tired. 3 hours? Tired and cranky.
    After finishing breakfast, she proceeded to get ready, leaving her hair down and left for the hellhole people like to call school.
The two make their way to the subway as it's the only transportation they have at the moment. When they get seated, Delilah sees the bubbly brunette, Ryan? Ronda? Rose? She doesn't remember and frankly she doesn't care.
"Oh look, it's the little girl from across the hall. Go say hi," her mother said with a slightly cheery voice.
The preteen starts laughing, "Me? Go say hi? I think you have the wrong child."
Layla rolls her eyes at her daughter for the second time this morning.
     Meanwhile on the other side of the subway, there were the two best friends. A bubbly brunette and a feisty blonde.
     They were currently gripping onto the pole, watching people as they go by. Riley was turning her head when she saw a familiar face and let out a large gasp that caught the attention of Maya.
    "What is it Riles?"
     "It's apartment girl!"
    Maya was confused. Riley hadn't informed her of this girl.
     "It's the girl and her mom! They just moved in across the hall last week. The girl was rude though. I just wanted to say 'hi', why wouldn't she accept my 'hi' Maya?"
      "Let's backtrack here for a second hon. What are you even talking about."
     Riley sighed. She had forgotten to explain to Maya about the new girl who had made an appearance in her apartment building. She went on to tell her friend about what happened and how mean she was.
     When she finished her story, Maya was quite upset and had a frown on her face. How could anyone treat her happy little Riley like this.
     "I'm gonna go give this chick a piece of my mind."
Riley grabs the back of Maya's shirt and pulls her back with a frown on her face.
"Maya you can't!"
"Why not!?"
"Firstly, her mother is right there next to her. And second I'm going to make it my mission to be her friend. Whether she likes it or not. You don't wanna ruin my mission do you?" Riley asked her friend with puppy eyes. Maya tried to avoid her face, knowing the expression she'd be receiving but couldn't help but look.
She gave out an exasperated sigh, "Ok fine!"
    Delilah heard it all. And so did her mother. They weren't as quiet as they thought. She turned her whole body towards her mom with her eyebrows raised.
     "Ok I see why you don't wanna be friends with her."
       Delilah chuckled and turned back around. She wished she had a book so she wouldn't have to look around to keep her occupied.
       "Hey can we go to the library if you're not too busy? I want to limit my interactions with humans as much as possible."
      She didn't want to be friends with any of the kids she was about to come into contact with; especially that bubbly bunny over there and her sidekick. There were already many mental notes to stay away from them.
     "Uh yeah we should be able to go today if I don't get held up at work for some reason. Oh look this is your stop coming up. Have a good first day and try not to yell at any kids today."
Delilah chuckled and muttered, "I'll try."
She got her backpack and walked out of the opening doors. She heard footsteps behind her and saw the two friends. She rolled her eyes, knowing it was going to be a long day.
While on her trek to school, Delilah noticed the two girls following close behind. They most likely went to the same school but she couldn't help but be paranoid. She walked into a store that just so happened to open early and watched the girls go by. She nearly sighed in relief once she saw them turn the corner.
Her journey to school resumed, and made it into the office just as the bell rang.
"Good morning, I'm new here. My name's Delilah Jones."
The secretary simply looked up at her before slowly beginning to type on her computer. She printed out the info, got a slip, and handed it to the child without a single word.
"Thank you," Delilah replied in a cheery voice. She walked to the door and let her self out. "Bitch."
Lucky for her, the hallways were empty due to it being 5 minutes into class already. She did not feel like talking to anyone especially after that secretary tested her patience. It wasn't even 8:30 yet and she was already ready to go home and sleep.
'Might as well take my time,' she thought to herself as she reached her locker. She slowly gathered what she thought she would need for the day and looked at her schedule.
Karvitz-Algebra 1
Garaboski-Advanced ELA
Norton-Physical Science
     She reluctantly made her way to the first class and opened the door without knocking because she didn't really care.
She made it through the first half of the day. They'd manage to get her in some classes that didn't bore her to death.
Lunch came and she did not want to be in a room filled to the brim of musty kids, so she made her way to the school library knowing it wouldn't be in use. 'Kids these days don't know how to appreciate a good book,' she thought to herself.
Just as she figured, it was empty. No one in there except the librarian eating her lunch. She looked up surprised, obviously not expecting anyone to come in here.
"Um what can I do for you dear?"
Delilah shook her head before answering.
"I was just going to look around if that's ok."
The older lady smiled at the thought that someone was finally using the library as a place to read rather than hang out with their friends and chat.
"Well I'm Ms. Williams and I'll be here if you need me."
"Delilah Jones. Thanks."
The student finally get at peace. The library was like a safe haven for her; no one there to judge her, like people did. No one there to make fun of her, like people did. She didn't have to make conversation, or maintain eye contact; two things she absolutely sucked at and hated.
In the 30 minutes of lunch, she managed to get through half of Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals. It was the second time she had read it, but she just couldn't get enough of it. The story was just so strong.
She was so into her book she was almost late for class. Getting up, she grabbed her things and walked towards Ms. Williams' desk to check out the book.
She made her way to history and couldn't help but feel like something was about to happen. The preteen brushed it off and continued the walk to class.
It was obvious she was the last one there as all the seats except one had someone sitting in or near them. She was standing at the door when she noticed the teacher quite close to a student. An eyebrow rose at this behavior and she could only hope this class wouldn't be as weird as she was already seeing.
After Cory's conversation with Lucas, he headed over to his desk but noticed a child standing not too far from it.
Once everyone had settled down, they too noticed the girl who had never been seen before; except Riley who whisper-shouted 'apartment girl!' Once again not as quiet as she thinks.
"Hmm new student. I'm Mr. Matthews, you are?"
     She simply handed the man her slip and stood there; lips zipped.
     He raised an eyebrow at her behavior, but read the slip regardless.
    "Delilah Jones. Beaumont, Mississippi. Welcome to John Quincy Adams. Do you want to introduce yourself to the class?" He handed her the slip back.
She muttered a, 'no, not really,' while walking to the only empty seat which was in the back. Pulling out her history textbook, she got to reading, (even though most of the information is false) wanting nothing more for the attention that was on her to leave.
     Matthews cleared his throat to gather the attention of the class, but let his eyes linger on the new student for a moment.
    He starts talking but does she listen? No, not at all.

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