Chapter 3

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                  Girl Meets Truth
Delilah had been attending John Quincy Adams for a few weeks now. And let me tell you, she has experienced more headaches in a week than in her entire lifetime.
The kids were all so loud and obnoxious; she didn't in at all. Her only safe place was the in the library with Ms. Williams. The school librarian had quickly become a friend and almost sister to the child. They bonded over their shared love of books and would constantly gossip about the crazy events happening.
     While she didn't have a phone, they did have a landline so she was still able to keep in touch with Miles. The two have been friends since diapers; it's going to take a lot more than moving to separate the two.
     Miles had been keeping Delilah updated on the latest Mississippi news, how he and his family have been, and that Mrs. Aadya has been missing the other half of her favorite duo.
     While she hated most aspects of her life in the mainly conservative town, she couldn't deny that she was longing to see the Adams and Mrs. Aadya again. Those people—beside her mom of course—were constantly there for her. Whether that be helping with homework or giving them a free meal at the bakery.
During her few weeks here, Riley had constantly tried to become her friend and hang out with her. Of course being her best friend, Maya was dragged along with. Whether it be following her to her classes—which you had to admit, seemed very stalker-ish—or trying to sit next to her in any class they had together.
Delilah liked to exaggerate things, but it honestly felt like borderline harassment. Time and time again, she'd tell her fellow classmates that she didn't want to be friends with them. She'd tell them to back off, but they can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that she doesn't like them. Hopefully they'll catch the hint she's been throwing at them since the beginning of the year soon.
     Delilah felt like she was about to explode. There was a play going on and the place was packed with people. She never did well with crowds. They always made her uncomfortable; being in the open and so vulnerable in front of all those people. Not to mention that if someone did something, no one would probably catch it since there were so many others to focus on.
     It was a stupid play honestly; Romeo and Juliet. It was so boring to her and it wasn't intriguing at all. The only time she could really pay attention was when Farkle came up and essentially ruined the play. She wondered if he could smell the silent judgement.
It'd be sad if he actually thought he did good though. Delilah hoped someone would give it to him straight.
She's had a few interactions with the young genius and found him to be somewhat annoying at times. She wouldn't say it to him directly, but the twelve-year-old thought he could bring it down a couple of notches. Maybe it was just her though. In comparison to Farkle, she was quite dull.
     As she was leaving the gym along with the other students, she heard others that were already in the hall cheering and clapping. She couldn't really tell you why though because the play sucked.
     When she arrived at her locker, which was unfortunately close to Riley's and Maya's, she was prepared to get her shit and go. It seemed that luck was not her side though as dumb and dumber appeared when she closed the metal door.
     She prayed to whatever was above that she wouldn't have to go off on these children. There was no need for that extra attention.
     The plan was to ignore the blonde and brunette and walk away. But that was destroyed the second they got in her way.
     Delilah simply sighed and tried to get around, but they moved once again.
     "I am going to tell you one time and one time only. Move. I am not in the mood."
     Riley whined like a baby and stomped her feet obviously trying to justify their stupid actions.
     "C'mon Lilah. Just be our friend. We're good people and just as good friends."
     "Firstly, only my mother and friends can call me that and seeing as you are neither, I do not want you referring to me as such. Second, you're not being such a good person if you can't understand what the word 'no' means. So just leave me alone and let me be."
     The girl pushed her past the two best friends and started her trek to the next class. This much stress was gonna cause her to break out.
     Riley sighed and pouted as she watched the new student go.
     "Yeah, peaches?"
     "I just wanna be her friend. Is that so wrong. Why won't she let me be her friend?"
      "I don't know, peaches. I don't know."
'It was a lesson about truth,' Delilah thought. 'Does he want me to fail my exams. Because I highly doubt that the consequences of telling the truth telling are gonna be one of the questions.'
     She recently found out that Thing 1—Riley— lied to Farkle about his performance in the play and Thing 2—Maya—lied about where she got a dumb locket from.
     Of course the lesson revolved around them. It always does and it always will. He acts like he doesn't have other students.
     When she got home that day, all she wanted to do was sleep. So that's what she did.
     She awoke to her mother shaking her and informing of her arrival home.
     Layla knew her daughter wasn't very fond of the students at the school, so she wasn't surprised when she found her sleeping.
     The two ate dinner and talked about their day—mainly Layla seeing as Delilah feels she doesn't have anything interesting to say. At least they got to plan something for the weekend as the next day was Friday.
     The small family decided to just relax and have a movie day. It had been a while since they hung out together with Layla accommodating to her new work and Delilah trying—and ultimately failing—to adjust to the new school. So it'd be nice for the two to just get a break.
     The next day at school seemed to go by relatively fast and the curly head brunette could not wait to get home and spend time with her mom. Other teenagers typically preferred to hang out with their friends and go shopping but that wasn't her.
     She was in a good mood.
     Key word was.
     'They just had to come. I can't get one day of peace. One!'
      To her surprise, Maya starts talking and since the halls are isolated, she can hear every word perfectly clear.
     "Okay, you listen here buttercup! We—Riley has been trying to befriend you and be nice because you're a loner with no friends. I'm not gonna sit here and let you hurt my best friend's feelings like you've been doing. Apologize and we'll forgive you."
     Delilah simply scoffs quietly and all self control went out of the window.
    "Apologize? You want me, to apologize!? For what; saying no? You don't get to victimize yourself in this situation! I have told you time and time again that I don't want to hang with you or any of your other friends. I have been pretty much harassed by you two during the month I've been here. When someone says no, they mean no! That was me trying to be nice."
     Mr. Matthews heard the commotion outside and went to see what was going on.
     "No! There is no but anything. You wanna know the truth? I don't like you. Either of you. I can tell you're both used to getting your way, but it's not like that in the real world. Get used to it because as soon as you step out of that little cocoon you're sheltered by, stuff's gonna hit you like a pile of bricks. Moral of the story is I don't like either of you, leave me the fuck alone, and mind your business."
     She stormed out of the school and made her way home. Hopefully they finally caught the hint.
     Riley caught her father's gaze and looked at him with tears in her eyes.
     "Daddy? What'd I do wrong?"
     Mr. Matthews sighed and told the girls to follow him as they also made their way off campus.
     "Ma! I'm home! Sorry I'm late, I stopped by the library because there was this book I heard about and wanted... What?"
     Layla was looking slightly mad at her and she hated when her mom got mad. Not only did she feel like she's disappointing her in some way but also because her mom is such a happy person. It took a lot for her to get mad even if it was just a tiny bit.
     "Topanga called and said Riley was crying because of something you said to her."
     Delilah rolled her eyes as soon as Riley's name came out of her mother's mouth. Layla saw the movement and rose her eyebrow.
     "Something you wanna tell me?"
      The child groaned and started to tell her mother.
     "Look, I just told her off because she doesn't understand what no means. She couldn't catch any hints I was throwing when I was trying to be nice so I had to yell at her for it to process. It's not my fault she can't handle rejection."
     Delilah had been keeping her mom updated on any moves the best friend duo tried to make and just constantly told her how annoying they were. Her mother took some pity, knowing it wasn't easy for her to do many things but she was trying.
     Layla sighed and rolled her eyes as well, "Well the Matthews think we should go over there and 'sort out any issues.' That Riley girl sure seems like a character though."
     The younger of the two muttered, 'tell me about it,' before walking out the door with her mother in tow. So here they are, knocking on the door waiting to be let in.
     The preteen was extremely uninterested as she was checking her nails, messing with her cuticles; anything she could do to stop from lashing out again.
     The door opened revealing a very slightly disheveled Topanga.
     Her eyes lingered on Delilah, who was still fidgeting around.
     "Come on in," she said and opened the door wider to welcome the tiny family in.
     There, sat on the couch, was Riley and Maya. The latter was growling at the newest addition to the party while the former had puffy and red-rimmed eyes. 'Didn't know she was a dog,' the newcomer thought.
     She sat on the chair while her mother sat on the bench at the table along with the two other parents.
     Cory cleared his throat and began speaking.
     "Um, alright. So we're going to solve whatever's going on here, but we need to figure what the situation is. Riley, tell us what's been going on from your perspective and then we'll see what Delilah has to say."
     "Maya and I have just been trying to be nice to Delilah. So we walked with her to class and even offered to hand out with us. She always seemed so lonely. Nobody should be lonely. We just wanted her to be our friend. What's wrong with that?"
     The mentioned shook her head and took a deep breath.
     "Do either of you know what 'no' means?"
      "Delilah," Mr. Matthews tried to interrupt. 
     "I'm not talking to you."
      Layla let out a chuckle but immediately covered her mouth and tried to cover it at the looks she was receiving. Her daughter had always been unapologetically blunt, and it's definitely worked in her favor.
      "Do you know what the word means?"
     When the two nodded she continued.
     "You have asked me to hang out, I always said 'no'. You always ask 'why' which you shouldn't have because 'no' is a complete answer regardless of the situation. Even then I told you I don't want to hang out with you no matter what day it is. It is not my fault nor is it my responsibility, for you not understanding my answer. As for you 'walking with me to class'? That's just—no. You followed me. No if's, and's, or but's about it. I don't care what you saw it as, because I saw it as you following me. Because that's what you were doing. I didn't invite you to walk with me. I didn't invite you to talk to me. And it's as simple as that. So go ahead and twist whatever you want, I honestly don't care at this point."
     Cory took a breath and thought about the situation. The shy, timid, kid he thought he knew definitely just dropped a bomb.
     Delilah always spoke up about things that frustrated her or things she cared about.
     Topanga decided to speak up, "How about we try to move on. What can we do to make this situation better?"
     Maya happily spoke up.
     "Well buttercup over there can apologize, we can become friends, and everything will be good. So, go on."
     Layla visibly cringed, "That was not a good answer."
     She knew her daughter was ruthless when arguing and she could only hope they weren't embarrassed too much. But hope could only get you so far.
    "You just don't get it, do you? Firstly, don't call me that. I have a name so use it. This is second time I've had to address you calling me something that is not on my birth certificate. Secondly, you can't force anyone to be your friend. Any type of relationship is consensual, and if one person does not consent then they don't consent. You shouldn't try to force your bearings on them, because once again 'no' is a whole answer. And lastly, stop trying to victimize yourself. From the second I started at this school, forgive me if I'm over exaggerating, you have both been harassing me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you two were stalkers. You can't tell me you didn't notice me constantly getting uncomfortable in your presence because you were always badgering me. I understand you had good intentions, but that does not excuse your behavior. So no, I will not apologize. I am not sorry for what I said today and I am not sorry for saying no."
     Layla let out another small chuckle, "Told you."
     Apparently, Maya still didn't get it though.
     "But you still hurt her feelings."
     "Because she's sensitive. You have to accept when someone rejects you, because it's a thing you're going to experience in daily life. It is not my fault you're sheltered. It is not my fault that you are ignorant to fact that not everything goes your way. And I refuse to let you try to pin this whole thing on me."
     Topanga and Cory had to agree that she was right. They loved Riley and Maya, but they expected to much. They expected everything to play out right for them. And sometimes they need to be put into place.
     "You know," Cory started. "I agree with Delilah, girls. I'm sorry but what you girls did was wrong. I'm happy that you were trying to help her out, but you went about it the wrong way."
     Delilah stood and walked towards the door, "Welp, it's settled. I appreciate your help Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, but I no longer want to be here. I have a date with the couch and tv along with my mother, and I'd really like to start."
     She started to walk out the door but turned around, looking straight at the two other preteens.
    "Good chat. Let's do this again sometime, yeah?"
     Then she skipped off to her apartment.
     Layla still sat on the bench, looking at the floor with a smile.
     "Um, I'm sorry if anything she said was out of line. She's usually that blunt. But she was right about that movie night."
     She made her way to the door, "We're still on for dinner Sunday, Topanga?"
     The woman nodded in response. And just like that, both Jones' were out of that household.
     "That was some pretty mature vocabulary you had there. Where'd you learn it?"
      The two were cuddled up on the couch after wasting the night away with movies.
     "I learned it from my lawyer mama. She's the best teacher anyone could have."
     Layla chuckled in response and the two slowly entered the world of dreams.
     "I might've said a curse word at the two when we were at school."
Oop some drama. But lemme know if you guys liked it and what episode I should base the story on next. Be sure to vote, comment. Ly!

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