The Country Trolls

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You and your friends just made it to the Country Troll's town. "This must be where the Country Music Trolls live." You said. "Well, it looks like nobody's here. We're too late. Time to go home. Come one, guys, let's go." Branch said as he was about to turn around and walk away. "There is no 'I quit' in 'team'." Poppy said as she started to walk toward the town. Once you made it in the town, you all hid behind a barrel. You peaked from behind the barrel to see a very quiet town. The clock tower rung, signalling that it was 12:00. You looked over to see one of the Country Trolls walking out of a building. She looked like the leader of the Country Trolls. Delta started to play her banjo before singing.

Delta: We don't hope for making things better. All we want is to keep it together. Every day is a rainy day, no change in the weather. This kind of life has made our hearts as hard as leather. And all these tears are from the dust in our eyes. And all these years just keep on passing us by. We all know that we're just born to die. That's the way it goes when you're just born to die.

"This song is so sad." You said. "Yeah, it is sad. But life is sad sometimes, so, I kind of, like it." Branch said. "You do?" Poppy asked. Branch nodded. "Huh. But it's so different. Oh, they must not know that music is supposed to make you happy. That's awful." You said. You looked ahead to see that everyone in the town started to square dance while Delta kept singing.

Delta: And all these years just keep on passing us by. And all this misery makes it hard to deny. That's the way it goes when you're just born to die.

"Okay, guys, huddle up." Poppy said. You and the others gathered around. You could tell that the Country Trolls noticed you, because they are staring in your direction. "Growly, growly, growl." Growly Pete said. "Now, take it easy, Growly Pete. I feel bad for them. It looks like they got beat up by a rainbow." Delta said. "First things first, these Trolls need some serious cheering up, so we're gonna to have to go top-shelf." You said. "Now, when you say 'top-shelf', You don't mean..." Branch said. "That's right. We need to sing them the most important songs in the history of music." Poppy said. "Yes, but which ones?" Biggie asked. "All of them." You said. "And when you say 'all of them'..." Branch said. You, Poppy, Branch, and Biggie go on a stage and start to sing.

Poppy: Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.
Biggie and Branch: So tell me what you want, what you really, really want.
You:  I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.
Biggie and Branch: So tell my what you want, what you really, really want.
You & Poppy: I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna.
You, Poppy, Branch: I wanna really, really, really wanna zig-a-zag.
You, Poppy, Branch, and Biggie get off the stage and start dancing around the town.
Biggie: Who let the dogs out?
Branch: Who? Who? Who-who?
Biggie: Who let the dogs out?
Branch: Who? Who? Who-who?
Poppy: It's such a good vibration. It's such a sweet sensation.
Branch: Oppa Gangnam style.
You and Poppy: Gangnam style. O-O-O-O. Oppa Gangnam style.
Biggie: Hey, pretty girl, what you doing tonight? I wanna see what you got in store.
Biggie then did the splits
You, Poppy, Branch, Biggie: Party rock is in the house tonight.
You, Poppy, Branch, Biggie: Everybody just  have a good time. Party rock is in the house tonight. We just wanna see ya...
Branch: Tell them, Y/N.
You: Shake that.

You, Poppy, Branch, and Biggie do poses, there was an awkward silence. "You suck!" A tumbleweed passing by said. Soon after, all of you were put in jail. "Now, I want you to to sit in here and think about what you've just done. That was a crime against music." Delta said. "Wait, no. We're here to warn you about Barb, the Queen of Rock." Poppy said. "Sweetie, I already know and have heard about this Queen Barb and her fancy World Tour. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to go wash what you call music out of my ears." Delta said before walking away. A little Country Troll popped out of Delta's hair.

"Oh, you in real trouble now. Right, Aunt Delta?" The troll said. "Keep an eye on them, Growly Pete." Delta said to a Country Troll that was sitting in a chair next to our cell. "Growly, growly, growly, growl." Growly Pete said as he read a newspaper. "No, no. Music should bring us together, not divide us!" You said. "Sugar." Poppy said as she angrily kicked the ground. "Well, I knew it. 'Who let the dogs out.' Too far." Branch said. "Okay, Branch. You can say 'I told you so.' I know you want to." You said as you walked over and sat on the bed. Branch looked like he was about to say something but decided against it. He sat down next to you. "You did great out there, Y/N." He said. You looked at him and smiled. "I'll never survive the big house. We've got to get out of here." Biggie said. "I know. That was such a rad medley. I can't believe it didn't work." Poppy said as she got off the bed.

"Tell me about it. I did the splits. No one even clapped. Am I not cute anymore?! Come on!" Biggie said as his pants ripped. "Maybe our dad was right. The other Trolls are different in ways we were not prepared for. Some Trolls they don't just want to have fun." You said. "Does anybody have a plan B?" Biggie asked. "Plan B? Right up here." Branch said before pulling a shovel from out of his hair. "Step one: escape from Lonesome Flats." He said. Branch started digging, and Biggie helped. Poppy sighed, "Plan B it is. I guess we're going home." Poppy said. Then you walked over to lean on the door. You then feel something latch onto the bars of the door.

You turned to see a rope tied to the bars. Suddenly, the door broke off, and you fall to the floor. You looked ahead to see who broke the cell, and you saw a Country Troll. "It ain't right to put you in jail because your music's different. It seems some folks around here don't appreciate a rad medley when they hear one." The Country Troll said before winking. You gave a small smile before standing back up. "Let's skedaddle." He said. "Yes! Mission back on! Branch! Branch! You can stop rescuing us." You said as you walked out of the cell. Poppy followed behind. The Country Troll motioned for you to get on his back, and you climb on. You sat behind Poppy on Hickory.

"Girls, you don't even know who this is." Branch said. "I'm Queen Poppy and this is my younger sister Princess Y/N. What's your name?" Poppy asked the Country Troll. "Name's Hickory." The Country Troll said. "Branch, this is Hickory. Hickory, this is Branch." You said. "Enough with the formalities. Let's go! Uh, this is Mr. Dinkles, by the way." Biggie said as he sat on the door that was tied to the rope. Suddenly Delta and a few Country Trolls came out of a building and saw you. "I said let's skedaddle! Hyah!" Hickory said before tying the rope, that connected to the door, around him and started running. "Go get them, Clampers!" Delta yelled. Clampers began to give chase. Branch screamed and quickly jumped onto the door.

"This was my plan C, by the way." Branch said. Delta and a few Country Trolls started giving chase. Poppy look ahead to see that you were going to run into a forest of cacti. "Uh, Hickory?!" She asked. "I got it, Queen Poppy." Hickory said. Hickory started to run around the cacti easily, but Clampers was gaining. You and Hickory looked ahead to see a hole in the ground. Hickory speeds up and jumped over the hole, and Clampers falls in. "Yeah!" Hickory says in victory. You turned around to see Delta gaining as well.

"Come on, Growly Pete! Do your thing!" Delta said. Growly Pete came in front and used his mustache as a lasso. "No one can escape my mustache." Growly Pete said before it latched onto Branch's leg. Branch was getting pulled of the door. "Branch, hold on to Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie said. Branch grabbed his hat, which began to stretch him out. Clampers came out of the ground and landed on Branch. Clampers starts biting Branch, and Branch screamed. "We're not gonna make it!" You said. "Oh yes we are!" Branch said. He grabbed Clampers with his hand and had him bite off the mustache. Hickory stopped running in time for you to be right at the edge of the canyon. But since the door kept sliding, it pushed you, Poppy and Hickory and off the canyon. All of you were now screaming in fear. "Well, I hope Pop Trolls can swim." Hickory said. You then fell into the river.

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