Just Sing

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The rock cracked opened and Branch came out. Branch looked like a Rock Troll. "Branch." You whispered. Poppy jumped off the hot air balloon and run over to Cooper, Prince D, and King Peppy. She then stood in between Cooper and Prince D. "Rock on!" Branch said. The Rock Trolls started to cheer. "Oh, sick! It totally works." Barb said with amazement. "Who's ready to get ripping tattoos everywhere except our faces in case we still need office jobs?" Branch asked, which creates more cheers from the crowd. "You're turning everyone into rock zombies?" You asked. "Yep. I can't wait to party with you, Y/N." Barb said. Barb started using the ultimate power chord on the leaders of the different music Trolls. You began picking at the lock on the cage.

Then you unlocked the cage. But as you opened the cage door, Barb looked at you. "Not so fast, Pipsqueak." Barb said. "Hey, boy toy, it's mullet time." Barb said to Branch. Branch faces you and uses his hair to hold you, so you can't escape. Barb then fired the ultimate power chord at you. "Y/N!" Poppy shouted. You get hit and fall to the ground. You get back up as a rock zombie. "Who wants to party?! Without smiling." You said, the Rock Trolls cheered. "Finish them off." Barb said before throwing the ultimate power chord to you. You grab the ultimate power chord and looked at Cooper, Prince D, King and Peppy. You aimed the ultimate power chord at them. You winked at them and then aimed the ultimate power chord at Barb.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be a rock zombie!" Barb asked with confusion. You pull two gumdrops out of your ears. "Gumdrops. Soundproof and delicious." You then ate the gumdrops. "She learned that from watching me!" Hickory said. "Give me that!" Barb said. "I'm not gonna let you do this to anyone else! A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same? That's not harmony." You said. "Hey, Barb?" A Rock Troll said. You looked to see Riff. "Maybe Y/N has a point. If we all look the same, act the same, dress the same, how will anyone know we're cool or something?" He asked. A few Rock Trolls muttered in the crowd. "A good queen listens." You said as you look at Biggie and the others. Biggie smiled. "Real harmony takes lots of voices. Different voices." You said. Then you run to the center of the stage and smashed the ultimate power chord to the ground. A lot of colors shoot out of ultimate power chord and spread all around the arena. The colors come to the center of the stage, while draining the color out of every Troll. It became quiet.

You looked over to see Branch back to normal. "Branch!" You shouted. You ran over to Branch and hugged him. Branch hugged you back. Poppy looked over and ran over. "Branch! Y/N!" She said. "No. My strings." Barb said as she held the broken strings. The strings disappeared. You, Branch, and Poppy, break from the hug and looked at Barb. "What have you done? You've destroyed music!" Barb said. "Give it up, everybody. Thanks to the princess of pop, we've all lost our music. History repeats itself. Pop has ruined everything." Barb said.

Everyone looked down in sadness. Suddenly you heard your heart beating. You looked down to see your heart glowing. But it had a pink glow to it. You looked down to see a microphone on the ground. You picked up the microphone and put it to your heart. Your heart beat made a rhythm of beats. Prince D and Cooper started beat boxing to the rhythm of your heart beat. "Those are my sons. Making music." Queen Essence said. Delta began clapping to the rhythm. Then, every Troll started making a beat with the rhythm. While making the beat, the Trolls' hearts glowed by the color of their music string. "Queen Barb can't take away something that is inside us. Because that's where music really comes from." Queen Essence said. "It started with the strings, but now it comes from us." King Quincy said. "Yeah, it comes from our experiences." King Trollex said. "Our lives." Delta said. "Our culture." Queen Essence said. "Listen to that. Barb can't take that away." Poppy said.

You: Let me... hear you... sing.
The sun shined on you.
You: Sing it together. Louder than ever. Forget everything.
Poppy and Branch stand next to you.
You, Poppy, Branch: Just sing. Like it's what we've been missing. And they're gonna listen, listen. Forget everything. Just sing.
You, Poppy and Branch get your colors back.
"Dad?" Barb asked as she looked at King Thrash. "It's okay, Barbara. Just let everyone be what they want to be. Including you." King Thrash said. Music started to play.
You: You think you've gotta hide it. Don't keep it on the shelf. Let your waist start moving. Watch the way I do it, do it. See me do it like nobody else.
Cooper and family got their color back.
Queen Essence: If we sing it all together.
Prince D, Branch: If we sing it all as one.
Queen Essence: It's louder than yourself.
Prince D, Branch: All together, everyone.
Queen Essence: Everybody's looking. Watch the way we do it, do it.
Prince D: Hold up, watch out how I do it.
All the leaders got their color back and started to sing.
You, Poppy, Queen Essence, Delta: Because we do it like nobody else.
King Trollex: Let me here you sing.
You: Don't you stop it, don't you fight it.
King Trollex: Let me hear you sing.
You: If you got it, can't deny it.
Poppy, you, Branch, Biggie, Guy Diamond, Satin, Chenille, Smidge, Legsly, Queen Essence, King Quincy, Cooper, Prince D: Let me hear you. It's waiting for you. Already you know.
You, Poppy, Branch, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Just sing.
Rainbow colors start to fly across the arena, and all the Trolls get their color back.
You, Poppy, Branch, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Sing it together. Louder than ever, ever. Forget everything. Just sing. Like it's what we've been missing. And they're gonna listen, listen. forget everything. Just sing.
Guy Diamond: Let me hear you.
Delta started to play her banjo.
Delta: Hey, I've been right here where you're standing.
Branch: I've been standing on the ground.
Delta: And the walls are caving in.
Prince D: All the walls are fallen.
Delta: When my lips start moving with the soul I put into it. And you never heard it done like this.
Hickory and Dickory come on stage and start yodeling.
The K-Pop Gang come on stage and start singing while dancing.
The K-Pop Gang move off stage, and the Reggaeton Trolls start singing in spanish while dancing.
You: It's waiting for you. Already you know. That you do it like nobody else.
You, Poppy, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Just sing. Sing it together. Louder than ever, ever. Forget everything. Just sing.
The Classical Trolls started to play their instruments while the other sang.
You, Poppy, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Like it's what we've been missing. And they're gonna listen, listen. Forget everything. Let me hear you sing.
Tiny Diamond: I said one, two, three, and four. Let's go, everybody, get on the floor.
Everyone: Let me hear you.
Queen Essence: Oh, let me hear you sing, yeah.
Everyone: Let me hear you sing.
Prince D: I want you to sing from your soul. I want you to reach with your elbow.
Everyone: Let me hear you.
Tiny Diamond: Can't hear you way in the back!
Everyone: Let me hear you sing.
You throw the guitar to Barb, and she caught it.
You, Poppy, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: It's waiting for you. Already you know. That you do it like nobody else.
Barb started to play her guitar.
Barb: Just sing.
Barb got her color back.
You, Poppy, Barb, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Sing it together. Louder than ever. Forget everything. Just sing.
You, Poppy, Barb, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Like it's what we've been missing. And they're gonna listen, listen. Forget everything. Just sing. Sing it together. Louder than ever, ever. Forget everything. Just sing.
A rainbow started to shoot up into the sky.
You, Poppy, Barb, Delta, Queen Essence, King Quincy, King Trollex: Like it's what we've been missing. And they're gonna listen, listen. Forget everything.
You: Just sing.

Everyone started to cheer. King Peppy walked on the stage to Poppy. "Dad, we should've listened to what you had to say and not run off like that." You said. "I'm so glad you didn't listen to me. You weren't naive about this world. You were brave enough to believe things can change. Braver than me." King Peppy said. Poppy smiled at King Peppy. "I raised Poppy and Y/N to be strong and self-confident. I was a genius." King Peppy said before jumping into the crowd of Trolls. Poppy then sighed and turned to you. "And Y/n, I'm so sorry. This was all my fault. I should've looked out for you like a good older sister." Poppy said. You smiled. "Poppy, this wasn't your fault. You had no idea where the bubble would land." You said. "That's not what I mean. I mean I should have been a better big sister to you. I'm sorry." She said. You smiled and hugged her. "It's okay. You're the best sister I could ever have." You said.

"Well, now that you're not forcing me, I hope we can be friends." You said to Barb as she walked over. "Yes! Did you hear that, Carol? We have a girl group now!" Barb said to Carol as she side hugs you and Poppy. "A girl group? Nice!" Carol said with excitement. "Yeah! Carol! She's psyched." Barb said as she walked over to Carol. You saw Branch walking toward Poppy. "Branch, I love that we're different." You said. "And I love you, Princess Y/N." Branch said. "I love you too, Branch." You said. Branch put his hand out for a high five, "Shall we?" You stepped back and put your hand out. You run toward each other and high five each other. "Yes!" You said. "Whoo!" Branch said. "Now, that's a good connection!" You said  with excitement.

"In the beginning, we were divided. Our ancestors thought we were just too different to get along. It turns out they were wrong. Very, very wrong. You have to be able to listen to other voices, even when they don't agree with you. They make us stronger, more creative, more inspired. So whether your song is sad and heartfelt, loud and defiant, or warm and funky, or even if you're a little bit of each, it's all these sounds and all our differences that make the world a richer place. Because you can't harmonize alone." You said as you sat in the nursery with Poppy and Branch while holding a scrapbook. Clampers started to bite on the scrapbook. You put it away. "Clampers. Let's not eat our history." You said. "Sorry, Miss Y/N." Clampers said. A little truck came in with Tiny Diamond driving it. "Excuse me. I'm done with my nap, and I'm ready to party! Glitter!" Tiny Diamond said before driving out of the nursery. Everyone started to leave the nursery and followed Tiny Diamond. The Pop Trolls invited all the Trolls from around Troll Kingdom to have a party in Pop Village. A bus pulled up and all the leaders from the different tribes came out. Once everyone was there, they all partied and had fun.

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