Chapter 4:

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Your POV

Jimin and I saw on top the rock we sat on yesterday. I rested my head on his shoulder and held his hand just like yesterday.
"Something wrong N/n?" He asked as he moved a strand of hair out of my face.
"I had that dream again." I said and looked up at him.
"The same one?" He asked looking down at me.
I nodded, "this time there was voices though, people yelling halt or stop witch. The weird thing was she looked a lot like me yet older." I said furrowing my brows. "She left the baby in the same spot my parents found me."
"So you think she could be your real mom?" He asked while rubbing soft circles on my hand with his thumb.
"I don't know but she gave the baby the same necklace I had since I was a baby and she was at the same place I was found." I said, looking out into the water. "But she had a tail, like a mermaid tail. I don't think it's even possible."
"Maybe there's more to life then we know." He said. His voice was so beautiful it could literally put me to sleep.
"Jimin I don't want these dreams anymore, can I stay with you tonight?" I asked, taking my head off his shoulder and looked up at him.
He smiled softly and moved his hand up to my cheek, cupping it and kissed my forehead making my cheeks burn. "Of course, princess."
I smiled and looked into his bright eyes. Suddenly my eyes went to his lips but quickly went back to his eyes. I slowly began to lean in as my eyes closed a little. He too began to lean in. Just when our noses touched I heard a voice call my name.
"Y/n come say goodbye to the guys, they're leaving out of town this week!" My brother shouted.
I sighed and blushed heavily when I realized how close we were. I gently rested my forehead to his and smiled cutely. "We should go, I'm sure everyone is confused about why were over here alone." I giggled.
He nodded and we dove into the water. We both swam to the shore over to the two groups.
"Bye guys, y'all be careful." I said, hugging them all tightly.
"We will Unnie." Taehyun said as he kissed my head gently.
I giggled and the boys left along with my brother, I grabbed his sleeve before he could go. "Will you be back before my birthday?" I asked looking up at him.
"Yeah I'll be back in a few days. You'll be home alone for a while because-" he started but I cut him off.
"Yeah I know mom and dad are going to be at grandma's and grandpa's for a few days. Just be careful." I said and hugged my brother tightly.
He gently kissed my forehead. "You too." He smiled and I waved as he ran to the car with his friends.
I sighed and felt a hand on my shoulder. "He'll be fine." Taehyung said with his signature smile.
I smiled and hugged him. "I hope so. Also I don't want to be alone at my house, can I stay with y'all, please?" I said, giving him puppy eyes and stretching out the please.
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Sure."
I smiled and hugged him tighter. "Thank you!"
"No problem." He smiled.
"I'll go get my stuff." I said and turned to the group. "Hey guys we're going to my house real quick."
They all nodded and we walked up to my house.

Third POV a few minutes later

The boys all waiting down in the livingroom as Y/n collected something's.
"What is she doing?" Jin asked looking at Taehyung.
"She doesn't like being alone so she's staying with us while her parents and brother are out of town." Taehyung said as he leaned into the sofa.
"I wouldn't blame her, she's been having these strange dreams and it's really scaring her." Jimin said, running his hand through his hair.
"What kind of dreams?" Taehyung asked a little worried.
"Just a vision of when she last saw her mom, but she doesn't know that." Jimin said.
"We'll have to tell her sooner or later." Namjoon said with a sigh.
"Tell me what?" You asked from above the stairs. You had on a f/c crop top and skinny jeans with sandals. Your hair was down and cascated over your shoulder.
To Jimin you looked absolutely beautiful, especially with your doe eyes staring at him with curiousity.
"Nothing N/n, don't worry about it." Taehyung smiled and grabbed the backpack he had swung over her shoulders. "Let's get going shall we."

The Witches Daughter **Jimin x Reader**Where stories live. Discover now