Going Crazy...?

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Ch. 7

I wake up to crying, and an annoyed Toby jabbing my shoulder. I slap him unintentionally, and get up. The clock reads 3:36 a.m., and I groan and drag myself out of bed. I'm walking to Alexsi's crib, when I see a shadow. It's shaped like a person, their arms raised, as if they're going to hurt Alexsi. I stop cold, and then start to sneak up on the figure. The arms keep rising, and once I get close enough, they look at me, and I see it: the faint tint of yellow and amber mixed together to make an unmistakeable golden color.

MICHAEL, I think. But that would be crazy. He'd turned over a new leaf! I've seen it! But what kind of mastermind could've broken in without setting off the alarm? I know I set it, so it HAD to be Michael, right? Nonetheless, I have to get him away from my baby. I watch as his arms lower, and I see the faint outline of a gun. Pointed. At me. I don't realize what I did until I already did it. I jump at him, and I feel a sudden pressure in my shoulder. But I'm still moving.

"Bella?" asks Toby. I can't hear the surprise in his voice. Haili rushes in and turns on the lights. It IS Michael. He puts away the gun, and starts screaming like I'm crazy. Haili and Toby pull us apart, and I'm kicking and screaming and spitting at Michael.

"Bella! What is your problem?" screams Haili. "Why Are you- Oh God, Bella! Your shoulder!" I look at it, and see a large bullet wound. Shit.

"Bella," says Toby. That's all he's been saying this morning. "What the hell happened?"

I feel dizzy, and I'm wobbling. So much, in fact, that they both have to hold me up. I look up at Michael and frown. "I'll tell you who," I say, feeling extremely lightheaded. I raise a finger at Michael. "He shot me. With a GUN."

They shoot glances at each-other and then look at Michael. "You- You sure, Bells?" asks Toby. "He shot you?"

"Check him." I say, feeling confident. "It's on him." They do, and the gun isn't there. I stare, dumbfounded. "Then explain this bullet wound to me!" I scream. "Explain it!"

They look at me, and hold their gaze. I'm NOT crazy. But they're looking at me as if I was. Michael steps up. "Jesus, Bells, what IS your problem?!" he smirks. That's all I need. I charge at him again, and I just barely reach him and I feel hands pull me back.

I look at Toby, tears welling up in my eyes. "You believe me, don't you?" I ask.

He looks at me. "Well, I guess I have to." he says. "I mean, we have evidence that he shot you, but even if the gun is nowhere to be found, we have your shoulder, don't we?"

I smile, and Haili nods, saying that she thinks so too. Micael frowns and yells at Haili. Toby slaps him and tells him to get out of this house. I grin and point to the door. He leaves, but not without Shooting one last gaze at Haili, who simply just flips him off.

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