The Seeker

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I was running

Running away from the girl with the blood on her hands. Running from the girl with the knife. She was the seeker. I was supposed to be hiding but she found my first spot. She is a little faster than me, but I know the map better. I turn a sharp turn around a dark corner. I take a left, then a right, and two more lefts. I look behind me and she isn't there. I sigh.

I'm out of breath, but I need to find another spot before she sees me out in the open.

The hallways are narrow. The halls that surround me now have old maroon wallpaper, most of it falling off the walls. I'm walking now. I can't run any longer without passing out. It's hard to breathe, but I have to keep going. If I slow down she'll find me. I can't let that happen. She almost caught up to me last time. And I've already used all of my energy on our first encounter. I don't have much strength left. "If I find a good hiding spot then I might be able to rest for a little while," I whispered to myself. The empty halls make it hard for me to find anywhere to hide. 

My eyes come across a small crawl space. "I can't stand any longer. This'll have to work for now," I said to no one in particular. 

I opened the crawl space door.

It was actually pretty roomy. There were a few empty boxes in a corner and the wallpaper was a light shade of blue with white flowers on it. And, if I needed and exit, there was a bigger door on the opposite wall to the door I came through. There was a little, old, couch sitting up against one of the walls. I sat down. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

Then I heard running. 

One set of feet.

The same thump that the seeker's shoes had. 

She stopped in front of the bigger of the two doors of my new little hiding spot.

"Hm. I wonder where she could be.." She sid sarcastically.

She tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Come on! Open up! I know you're in there!" She said in a sing-song voice. 

When she got no response she said, "Fine. I know there's another way to get in here! Like another door, perhaps..?"

She sounded mad. And not the kind of mad that makes smoke come out of your ears. No. The kind of mad people get admitted into insane asylums for.

After I heard her footsteps fade away I sat up and went towards the bigger door. I opened it a crack and peaked out to see an empty hallway.

I walked out and slowly closde the door behind me. I tried to open it again but I guess it locks automatically from the inside.

I started running to the left. There was a litlle dead end, but the hallway became wider as I walked closer to the end. I could turn left so I did.

But this space just looked like a tiny room that just had an opening to get into the hall. No doors for protection. But there was a dresser-like structure up against the left wall. It looked like a book shelf with a bunch of little drawers to the right of it. It was all connected though. So it looked like an L, but with a much longer bottom line. When I went up to it, I saw my friend Abby! She was still alive!!! I went and stood on the drawers like she was doing. I was in the corner of the L shaped dresser while she was beside me.


We waited there for what felt like days, when suddenly there were two pairs of footsteps coming closer. Running. One I could recognize as the seeker. The other must be her next catch. I felt a little bad that she was about to be killed.

She ran all the way to the dead end of the hall. She was now pinned to the wall by the seeker. She looked over at us and her eyes widened. Then, suddenly, as if she thought this would save her life, she looked over to us and screamed, "LOOK! OVER THERE!"

The seeker looked over at us, still pinning the girl to the wall. "Thanks for the help," she said, right before she stabbed the girl in her chest.

Abby and I ran. We ran as fast as our legs would go. 

The seeker was right behind us. We took sharp turns and even juked her out a couple of times but she was still tailing us. 

We ran to a big opening. One with a huge TV showed who had lost and who was still alive. Me, Abby, and this one other girl's picture popped up on the screen, showing everyone that we were still in.

She was getting slower.

She wsa running out of stamina.

This was our chance.

We ran to a building after turning a sharp corner. It was a blank white building with a blank white sliding door. 

We entered the building without being spotted by the seeker. 

We close the sliding door without making a sound.

When we turned around, we saw the other girl that hadn't been caught yet.

"I know we shouldn't be in groups or it might make it more likely for us to be caught, but can we all work together or now?" Abby whispered to the other girl and I. We all nodded at each other in agreement. 



Soooooo how'd the first dream turn out? This was a really recent dream that I actually wrote down cause it scared me so much .^.

Anywayyyyyy don't forget to vote and comment!!!!! I would love some constructive criticism!!

I am so excited to see how this book turns out!!!!

Cya weirdos!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Words: 975

Published: 9/19/20   12:20AM

PS. What should the cover for this book be? You guys are more than welcome to give ideas!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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