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Jisung suddenly sat next to me "Yo we have new students"


Jisung nodded while resting his arm on my shoulder.

"One of them is a Japanese exchange student and the other one just moved from some other part of Korea"

"Who'd we exchange for him?"

"Felix, I dont think it works like that, does it?"

Everyone at the table shrugged.

"I saw them earlier" Renjun said.

"Are they cute?" Jisung asked.

Minho smacked Jisung's shoulder lightly, clearly jealous.

"Ow! I'm only asking. Plus you asked if Hyunjin was cute when you first met him, and we were on our "complicated" stage then"

"Yeah and now we're dating him too. We dont need more people in our relationship"

We stared shocked at the Minsung couple.

"You're dating Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"I've never seen you guys all together making out... I only ever see you two making out in the back of the school, where WooSanSang usually have their hang outs" Lucas joined the conversation.

"That's because Hyunjin and Jisung are still getting used to each other"

"In other words Jisung hates having Hyunjin in the relationship because you didn't talk about it fully with him?"

Jisung nodded, "Yes. Thats exactly what happened"

"Okay anyways. Shotaro and Sungchan are cute as fuck bruh" Jungwoo added.

"Really? You better not be lying" I pointed a finger at Jungwoo.

Jungwoo looked over to the cafateria entrance and kept smacking my arm.

"That must be them. Look. Look!"

Mark sighed and pushed Jungwoo's hands off of me, "You're gonna hurt him"

"Wait a minute... Jisung is with them"

"That means Jisung could introduce me to them" (Han) Jisung smiled widely.

"Wait a damn minute, we just talked about this, Hannie. There shouldnt be anyone else in this relationship." Minho frowned.

Jisung scoffed and scooted closer to me, "I said that when you wanted Hyunjin to join us, anyways I want to befriend them not date them"

I pulled Jisung closer.

"didnt you like not ask permission for the poly relationship? They were actually friends before you decided to let Hyunjin into the relationship" Changbin sat down at the table with us.

Minho looked down and tried to hold Jisung's hand, only to be rejected.

I stood up along with Jisung, Mark, and Chan "well we'll be... somewhere else."

"I'm sorry I got you pulled into my drama" Jisung looked down as we walked out of the cafateria.

"Don't worry, Ji. We're friends and I'll stick by you through this. Plus Minho's logic has been pissing me off." I held Jisung's hand, "let's go to my house and eat a bunch of junk food, food makes everyone feel better"

Jisung chuckled and the othe two (people) nodded.

"Wait, San and Wooyoung are our ride, because I dont have a licence yet, unless Chan brought his car"

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