Chapter 1

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after trolls true happiness then branch  back true colors then branch see another girl troll yellow skin pink nose dress navy and short yellow usual branch meet Alex girlfriend

Branch see her beautiful troll

Poppy  snack pack see branch talking other girl

Dj whispers poppy...

DJ : poppy do you know who she is....

Poppy : I don't know she kind familiar...

DJ : poppy you can talk branch....

Poppy : okay... Let I'm trying....

Branch smile talking Alex...... Poppy nerd walking self....

Poppy : hey branch..... Who she is.....

Branch: hi poppy I can introduce meet girl friend Alex in the high school....

Poppy (small jealous) : girl friend true.....

Branch : yeah....  Why...

Poppy :nothing........ Just fun (fake laugh)

Poppy see branch holding hands Alex.....

Alex: nice to meet u queen poppy (hand shake) ☺

Poppy( fake happy): nice to meet u Alex..

Branch said......

Branch :by  the way poppy I'm going to watching movie me and Alex right.... Alex....

Alex : right branchie.... (kiss him)

Branch : so poppy I'm going away  bye bye...... Let's go Alex..

Alex : alright branch...

Branch : see you later poppy.....

Poppy and snack pack see branch holding hands Alex walking......

Poppy (😔) : sigh....

Guy diamond : are you okay poppy...

Poppy: yeah...... I know branch other girl in the best....

Biggie : don't worry poppy you still number...

Satin :yeah poppy your in the best but I know you can do with yourself....

Poppy :yeah.... Guys I'm going home..... Pod

Snack pack : bye poppy.....

Poppy running pod home she is crying...... I can see each other.....

What happen next.....

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