Chapter 3

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One day morning everyone murmured see cars famous ...

Female troll: wow who is she..... 
Female troll : I don't know.....
Poppy left pod she walking me and Celine ready...... Cars guard shield...

Then branch Alex smack pack see poppy ready going to another world

Alex see branch running faster..... Everyone pushes branch guard shield

Branch : poppy......  Poppy.....  I need talk to u...

Celine walking poppy........

Poppy stop walking self.... Everyone see each other branch and poppy...

Poppy: what do u want branch.....

Branch : your going to leave me......

Poppy turn around Celine ready open door cars

Celine : poppy hurry up..... Time now..

Poppy : wait a minute.....

Poppy talk branch....... Alex see each other

Alex(😡) :what she doing here.......

Poppy : branch listen to me u and Alex together but I know thank u for save me there no reason u kind other sometimes your the best ever.....

Branch (😢)  but how...... Please leave....

Poppy : I sorry branch am back soon okay..... Bye guys..... Bye snack pack

Snack pack :  bye queen poppy
Everyone : bye poppy....

Poppy going inside cars and close the door guards driving fast going other world university
Branch see sad moment she is leave  Alex see sad branch......

Alex : do worry branch I be back soon poppy (hug) *glare*

Branch : yeah i know maybe next time....

Snack pack see branch

Satin: yeah branch I know she is back soon...  Don't worry

Guy diamond : yeah I know..

Alex : come guys just cheer okay.....

Branch (fake smile) :okay.....

Alex :good branch.....

Alex join house slamper party snack pack and branch......

Snack pack talk Alex....

Guy diamond : what do you want alex

Alex : I want cheer branch please

DJ Suki : sure.... Alex why not....

Branch: guys I been tomorrow... OK

Alex: okay branch (kiss cheek) bye.....


DJ Suki :what wrong with you branch why are u see sad face

Branch : because I want see her happy and singing and I miss you hugs....... Poppy (sad)

Guy diamond : don't worry  she be soon okay.....

Branch :yeah thanks for cheer me guy

Snack pack see happy branch and guy talking

Guy : no problem branch...... (grin)

Branch : okay..
Snack pack cheering branch......

Snack pack :yeah..... Branch........

Branch true happy maybe poppy coming back soon

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