Chapter 4

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After she going other world...... Guard driving....

Celine : so poppy are u excited.....

Poppy: yes Celine I am so excited... Because  I was nervous heheh..

Troll 1: poppy do be nervous okay... Try your best... Singing... Ever

Celine : she right.....

Poppy: yeah I know.... See stop the cars....

Celine. Poppy. Troll 1 she going outside door the see palace

 Troll 1 she going outside door the see palace

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Poppy see new place.....

Poppy : wow the so beautiful....

Celine : yeah.... Come on poppy going to record singer....

Poppy : okay Celine.......

Celine.  Poppy. Troll 1 walking building......

She going walking inside door the guard checking people....

Guard : miss what kind for u

Celine : I am manager Celine she is meet poppy Kendrick famous her she wants singing songs.......

Guard : oh....  I see I know just going elevator floor...... Go find boss...

Celine : thank u security guard..

Celine : come on poppy let's find the boss......

Poppy :okay....... Celine how was that the place....

After inside room poppy Celine troll 1 walking then find mr.boss manager ....

Celine (knock the door)  : boss your here

Boss inside room. 

Boss : what do you want Celine

Celine (open door see boss)

Celine : I want her poppy she going to  trying singing

Boss : okay come here.........

After sit down chair Poppy Celine troll  1 meet boss man....

Boss : so u poppy Kendrick right...

Poppy: yeah....

Boss : so what are u talented song...

Poppy: Cups song...

Boss : okay let's trying recording song

Poppy :okay I'm trying

Celine talking poppy

Celine :u can do with poppy....

Poppy : okay I'm the best.....

After studio recording 5 male troll and Celine boss man watching poppy singing cup song (hand cup and singing)

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After studio recording 5 male troll and Celine boss man watching poppy singing cup song (hand cup and singing)

💖 I got my ticket for the long way round 💖

💖Two bottles o whiskey for the way and I sure would like some sweet company 💖

💖And  leaving tomorrow. What do you say 💖

💖When I'm gone 💖

💖When I'm gone💖

💖You're gonna miss  when I'm gone 💖

💖you're gonna miss me by everywhere

💖you're gonna miss me when I'm gone 💖

Cups was ending.......... Everyone clapped poppy......

Boss man : the was amazing your most best singing ever ☺

Poppy : thank you boss  *blush*
Celine : congrats poppy your amazing.....

Poppy : thank u Celine....

Male 1 : poppy your amazing....

Poppy : thank u sir....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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